Why PT members spent 10 million won to apply for trademark rights

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(1) jmh75042 4 days ago
(2)I understand that the agency has already registered the trademark
(3)Since Attract applied first

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(1) wing7870 4 days ago
(2)The agency already registered in English With “Fifty” “Fifty”
(3)Or since Attract applied for English-language trademarks first

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(1) user-el9zp1sy8t Corrected 4 days ago Attract already applied for the group name trademark in MayEven if the four of us leave the company, we can’t use that name in Korea
(2)23 replies 3152 mo
(3)Attract wins anyway

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(1) user-el9zp1sy8t Modified 4 days ago
(2)Attract has already applied for the group name in MayEven if the four of us leave the company, we can’t use that name in Korea
(3)23 replies
(4)The lawyer doesn’t even know that

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(1)Let me ask you this question

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(1)What is it? Missionary Vietnamese Gyeonmunrok
(2)Let’s see
(3)He didn’t know about the Attract trademark application

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(1)Cost Logo
(2)I found out that the members applied for the brand

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(1)I got an agent like myself to apply for it’s

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(1)12 Korean Trademark Applications for Pipty Pipty
(2)Including the members’ names, a total of 60 requests!

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(1)You know how much the application fee is

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(1)Vietnamese Visiting Book
(2)10 million hearts

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(1)What is the bridge
(2)I spent 10 million won
(3)Why did the members apply for a brand

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(1)I think this is the part that the members shouldn’t do

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(1)What is Moon Jae-in’s Vietnam Gyeonmunrok
(2)That’s what I think

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(1)Visiting Vietnam
(2)Misusing the Trademark Act!

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(1)The members’ strategies

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(1)Trademark application process
(2)It takes two months
(3)Application Application Examination Examination Notice 등록Registration

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(1)Trademark application process
(2)Application Application Examination [Examination Notice] Registration
(3)Blocking the registration of an objection trademark
(4)Delay in the application for information provision

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(1)Because if you don’t do it in between, if you don’t stop me

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(1)There’s a good chance that the trademark that Attract applied for will be registered next year

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(1)Vietnamese Visiting Book
(2)But the problem is

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(1)Vietnamese Visiting Book
(2)until registered as a trademark in the application

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(1)Vietnamese Visiting Book
(2)If you ask me to do it

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(1)Vietnamese Visiting Book
(2)I’m confident that I can do this for more than 3 years

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(1)Attract filed on May 15, 2023

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(1)I’m confident I’ll get you registered beyond 2026

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(1)What do you mean

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(1)I don’t know if it’s an unknown city
(2)during a trademark dispute
(3)Not a trademark of Attract

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(1)After hard work, Attract won the fight

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(1)Let’s say I got a trademark registration

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(1)But it’s not the end

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(1)even after the trademark is registered

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(1)Request for invalidation trial
(2)Request for a revocation trial

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(1)That’s the big mission. Vietnamese literature
(2)Members’ applications are unconditionally rejected

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(1)Vietnamese Visiting Book
(2)Refuse can be delayed!

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(1)taking various measures under the Trademark Act

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(1)Putting this review on hold

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(1)It’s not that hard

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(1)The members’ trademark applications
(2)Can exist without rejection

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(1)Then, the attraction got tired

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(1)Attract gives up on applying for a trademark

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(1)Then the members will have the brand

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(1)You have it because there’s no reason to refuse

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(1)But I don’t think we should do this

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(1)Then until they get registered

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(1)It’s not their trademark

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(1)It’s a brand in dispute

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(1)Can I use it comfortably

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(1)If you prepare for the 2nd generation of FIFTY FIFTY at Attract

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(1)It will take a long time to prepare for this

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(1)I don’t know if I can use it or not

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(1)What is Literacy
(2)How are you going to handle your mental and financial stress
(3)an endless stream of conflict

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(1)I think the other members have big capital

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(1)Then what should I do at times like this

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(1)It became Moon Jae In and
(2)Vietnamese Visiting Book
(3)The one who has a lot of time and money wins

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(1)What’s the Problem: Vietnam’s Inquiry Book
(2)How can I win

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(1)Vietnamese Visiting Book
(2)a strategy to get trademark rights by giving up on the other party
(3)exhausting the other person

The strategy of FIFT members

Attract 1 has only applied for trademark rights, but has not been registered

2 Even if Attract applied for trademark rights first, it can be delayed for three years if the other party continues to delay it

3 If the attraction can’t stand it and gives up because it’s tired, the trademark right will be handed over to the members

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