How are the disabled women’s fencing teams doing

image text translation

(1)Let’s get rid of Director A. Perjury of sexual harassment
(2)Exclusive sexual harassment fencing director not guilty
(3)Channel A report
(4)Trial on Coaches for indecent assault
(5)○ There is a high risk of landslides due to heavy rain across the country, so please be aware of the following
(6)Exclusive sexual harassment fencing director not guilty
(7)Channel A report
(8)Park In-soo, former head coach of the national fencing team
(9)Three years. It’s like a nightmare for me
(10)You ruined a person’s life
(11)Reported by tar channel A
(12)The accused is innocent
(13)The other players
(14)I heard about the damage from OOO’s suggestion
(15)The other players are getting a lot of attention from the victim
(16)On the 17th, it is acknowledged that he/she heard about the damage in this caseIt is acknowledged that we kissed
(17)Please keep in touch with your family and neighbors to share the danger situation In accordance with the evacuation order, immediately to the evacuation center, school, etc
(18)Some players make false statements
(19)Please share disaster information In accordance with the evacuation order, immediately evacuate to evacuation centers, schools, etc. and evacuate with the elderly and vulnerable children
(20)Perjury to bring down the sole director
(21)We drank together at the pension, iPhone 12b4305 road concentration
(22)We’re going to make him a molester
(23)Director Insoo gave me a drink on the 16th and went home
(24)The numbers
(25)I told him it was hard, but he asked me if I was suddenly blessed and asked me to take this opportunity to coach Park Min-soo first. 3 again
(26)Let’s get rid of the manager
(27)He told me that I’m a director because I’m sick I was in a fun place, so I couldn’t do anything
(28)That’s how the player does
(29)You said you didn’t want to see the field. Let’s go
(30)Please report the molester and watch the game!That’s why
(31)They also said they do, and the players who were there all do that and know this
(32)I started to encourage him
(33)Coach Park Min-soo agreed with this saying that the coach is such a person because she habitually says female players are ugly, and everyone agreed to lie like thatI also lied to the court that director Park Insoo pulled the Teiya You made the wrong choice It was a detour and it was very cold I’m sorry. I apologize to Director Park Insoo. I apologize for the war
(34)I’ve been beaten
(35)I apologize on my stomach
(36)Please ask for disaster information The Korea Forest Service informed me The end
(37)Presumption of Faction Conflict between Park’s faction
(38)Singing of the wheelchair pen national team for this incident
(39)National Handicapped Fencing Team
(40)I have a gap after stepping down as a managerial position
(41)as a former coach of the national team
(42)To add up to the circumstances, I’ve never been able to step down as a director
(43)Victim volunteered
(44)It seems that the victim and the players were hoping
(45)The defendant is the head coach of the disabled fencing team
(46)It appears he was hoping to step down
(47)Even if it’s Shim Jung Ah who vomits blood, she doesn’t believe me. What’s wrong with her
(48)There’s all the witnesses, so if you get married, it’s the principle of presumption of guilt by molestation

Those national team members should show their faces proudly

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