Sexual harassment kakaotalk sent by a senior at the company.jpg

image text translation

(1)I got a sexual harassment message from a senior at the company 331 and Japan
(2)1000 Recommended 1067 Inquiry 60816gigive View Writing

image text translation

(1)Thursday, July 13, 2023 >
(2)a thumb tube
(3)You’re such a punk. Your skirt is so attractive today
(4)tear up one’s high-rise stockings and drive them like dogs
(5)I want to wrap it inside

image text translation

(1)I posted a message to a company that I recently retired from, so I got all the help
(2)I’d like to ask for your help
(3)Am I really unlucky
(4)I succeeded in changing jobs as soon as I left the company, and there are about 10 people in the company, and I am the only woman here
(5)But today, a 40-year-old married man from the company sent me a wrong message
(6)I guess they didn’t know I sent it to them. They left it like that, so I took a screenshot and everything
(7)And then I went to my senior’s seat and asked why he sent me a message like that, and he said he was sorry because he couldn’t answer correctly whether it was a mistake and that the target was me
(8)I thought that I was the only woman in the office and that I might have messaged a colleague who wasn’t his friend, so I was so scared to be in the office, so I told the boss honestly and came out
(9)I’m in the car and I’m writing while crying
(10)Can I report my Kakao Talk as sexual harassment

I think he sent it for a female employee on purpose

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