Sungkyunkwan University student who looks like Kwak Tube

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(1)Something sad just happened
(2)I’m working part-time, and I’m watching the hall with 2 other girls
(3)Two girls are friends, but I have a crush on one of them
(4)A friend who has a crush is a bit timid and innocent, but the other one is a bit strong and has a bossy personality
(5)Last week, I was talking about YouTube and my crush said that I watch Kwaktube a lot
(6)But my friend suddenly said, “Oh, you don’t look like Kwak Tube. You lost weight.” They laughed for a long time
(7)At that time, I just laughed haha and passed it over, but after that, I still look alike He smiles every time he passes by
(8)I looked it up later, and Kwak Tubb and I kind of look alike, but the image of Jinta was like a meme
(9)But today, my crush called me “Junbin”Kwak Joon-bin is Kwak Tube’s real name. I have a name tag, but if I call him “Ren,” it means that he’s really similar to Kwak Tube. So I came back and cried a little
(10)I’m still sad even now

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(1)Anonymous 15
(2)I’m thinking about using the fact that I smile every time I pass by to connect it well
(3)It’s not good to see that you’re sad because you don’t
(4)He’s more like a loser than he looks
(5)Anonymous 21
(6)It’s a typical gaslighting comment
(7)Anonymous 32
(8)That’s not the smile
(9)an anonymous writer
(10)I can’t do it. I’m a real person. O But since he already thinks I’m Kwak Tube, even if I try to do well, I’m like Kwak Tube meme


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