One of the two is lying

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(1)Kim Gun-hee, who is on an official visit to Poland with the President of Yoon Suk Yeol, is watching the Frida Kahlo exhibition at the Wazienki Museum in Warsaw on the 13th local time, and is experiencing making ribbons using Frida Kahlo’s signature color Photo = Yonhap News Agency
(2)Kim Gun-hee, who accompanied the Yoon Suk Yeoln president on his trip to Lithuania and Poland, visited a clothing store with a luxury brand there, according to local reports The president’s office explained that Mrs. Kim was right to visit, but it was due to a customer service from a store employee and that she did not buy anything

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(1)Earlier, Lithuanian media and <15 min>
(2)In an article introducing Mrs. Kim’s visit to Lithuania on the 12th, she reported that she shopped with her attendants at Du Broliai, a luxury fashion boutique In this article, an official who runs the two brollies said, “Kim Gun-hee’s visit was made unannounced and unannounced,” adding, “Some attendants kept outside to prevent others from entering the store.”

One of them has to wear a wristband

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(1)Didn’t you learn to see the blood if you got caught lying

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