What I think when I drive in Seoul

image text translation

Where are all those cars coming from and going

You’re all busy

image text translation

(1)Han Hyung 2023-07-12 1059263 28470
(2)Also, in Seoul, there are many buildings with many thoughts
(3)There’s no room for me. Move 4
(4)Recommendation R reply
(5)AZOA 2023-07-12 1058546 170
(6)Best 2
(7)I wonder where all those cars will be parked
(8)But 3
(9)Recommended reply
(10)Dooduldong 2023-07-13 0135 11470
(11)You’re all thinking about warm things. I’m pushing you with a cannon
(12)I think I want to, but move 1

So many cars, I’m one of them

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