If I stop drinking coffee for a month

image text translation

(1)The half-life of caffeine is about 6 hours
(2)So when we drink a cup of Americano in the afternoon
(3)about 150 milligrams of caffeine
(4)Then, when it becomes 6pm
(5)There’s 75 milligrams of caffeine in the body
(6)Even at midnight
(7)There’s still 375mg of caffeine left
(8)So a lot of people
(9)After drinking coffee for about a month
(10)The thing that changes the most is
(11)It’s sleep
(12)A lot of people are
(13)You might think I’m sleeping well
(14)If you quit drinking coffee for a month
(15)I know what it is to sleep really well
(16)When it’s 9 or 10pm
(17)I naturally get sleepy and can’t stand it!


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