Lee Sang-min signed a 5.6 million won monthly rent contract

image text translation

(1)100 Ten Asia
(2)Yongsan apartment contract for 5.6 million won per month for Lee Sang-min, who settled 6.9 billion won in debt alone
(3)Input 20230717 PM 409
(4)Reporter Tae Yoona
(5)One is ⑤
(6)Lee Sang-min moves to Yongsan apartment after clearing 6.9 billion won in debt
(7)It is confirmed that monthly rent is 5.6 million won with no deposit for 51 pyeong sale
(8)TenAsia = Reporter Tae Yoona


I thought the monthly rent was about 300 because I moved to Yongsan-dong, but 560 lol

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