It’s funny that you blame a civil servant for an accident

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(1)It’s funny to blame the civil servant for an accident
(2)A person who sensed that a public official in disaster prevention had been working for 6 months and ran away
(3)Disaster prevention workers in charge of disaster safety are really new
(4)I thought the welfare series was just like “J,” but the disaster prevention job is also like “J.”
(5)It’s a killer job
(6)I’ve never seen more people
(7)At first, there were dozens of disaster risk zones that I had to cover alone
(8)There are more than 20 flood risk zones
(9)I keep getting an official letter from above to patrol here every day during the rainy season
(10)I said I’d give you a patrol car. I’d get a patrol car
(11)If you can’t drag me because it’s broken, then what one’s own car
(12)I don’t have a car I’ll see you next week
(13)He gave me a car key
(14)But I’m on patrol every day, and you’re taking out administrative work while I’m at it
(15)Yeah, and you’re the only one who’s not coming to the community event
(16)Well, you’re the chief of the department
(17)I don’t know. I have to patrol, do local events, do basic work
(18)But there’s no budget, your appointment will go now, and your replacement will never come
(19)Miraculously, there was no rain damage due to the drought that summer
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(1)Miraculously, there was no rain damage due to the drought that summer
(2)I quit because I thought I would get punished someday
(3)Oh, and drought is better than flood for disaster prevention because there is nothing I can do about it anyway
(4)There are dozens of complaints, but the Korea Water Resources Corporation will do it on its own
(5)All I can do is go and say hello to the fire department to take care of the water supply
(6)In the case of accident and punishment, someone was disciplined for not warning properlyThere are a lot of things like this
(7)Someone asked me to do something, but I couldn’t do the construction because of the budget cut and the accident happened that year
(8)When I apply for a budget, I sometimes say, “Let’s make a mid-term annual plan so that it can be passed.”
(9)But the one who did the budget cut never comes up with the budget cut came out
(10)And I had no money left over from installing disaster prevention facilities in a certain area<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
(11)There’s no excessive amount of safety facilities
(12)If you install a 1 million won net, you can stand one rock, if you install a 2 million won net, you can stand two rock, and if you install a 1 billion won net, it lasts 10 years
(13)I cut it right away when I said I was going to do 1 billion won construction, so I treated it with 2 million won
(14)When I saw that there was no accident, I asked why I didn’t install it with a million won bill
(15)You’re giving me a warning that I wasted my budget
(16)During the Fukushima earthquake, we built a much higher breakwater than other places
(17)Like the case of the village head who completely blocked the tsunami while taking a bath
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(1)Like the case of the village head who completely blocked the tsunami while taking a bath
(2)It’s only natural that safety is not immediately visible
(3)He’s like that every year, and all the high-ranking people come with reporters when they meet the victims
(4)He said, “I’ll do my best” and disappeared after taking a picture
(5)So what’s the budget? What’s the human resource doing
(6)But when people try to supplement their workforce, they stop it as a waste of tax money
(7)The public’s view of civil servants as slaves rather than high-ranking officials should be changed
(8)Even the public thinks that the budget spent on safety is a waste of money because it is not effective immediately, so why would a politician spend a budget that is not even an immediate achievement on risk prevention from a long-term perspective
(9)I’ll pass out when I see a council member trying to cut down on his budget
(10)Best Anonymous Writer
(11)You have to peel it if you want to. And I can’t see you wrote that there’s no one
(12)Q Everytime
(13)Benefits for summer vacation!
(14)I’m not curious
(15)My friend also ran away from disaster prevention, but it’s hard to become a T.O. I remember that it’s harder after it’s done [Laughing] When it rains, if you didn’t see every house during emergency work, only those who know the real civil servants will suffer
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