My younger brother

image text translation

(1)No, my neck is so stiff
(2)I went in and the shape of my eyes
(3)It’s going to be cold
(4)Mr. A. Kim. Chin
(5)What does that mean
(6)Myung-soo, a reporter for “The Voice of Seoul”

image text translation

(1)Yeah, so why did I do that
(2)It’s not Heungseon Daewongun
(3)Heungseon Daewongun County
(4)He was like this. It was so funny That’s what I heard
(5)Mr. A, Kim Yotsu
(6)Myung-soo, a reporter for “The Voice of Seoul”

image text translation

(1)My acquaintance is a person with a lot of money
(2)I asked him to give me a seat at the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport
(3)Mr. A, I don’t like Kim. Chintz
(4)Lee Myung-soo, a Seoul Voice reporter

Emmy’s such a loser, but her brother can’t be out of his mind

This is why you got rid of the Civil Affairs Office. You’re such a bad girl

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