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(1)George Bernard Shaw as The George Bernard Shaw
(2)1925 Nobel Prize in Literature
(3)July 26, 1856
(4)United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland Island The Island
(6)November 2, 1950: 94 years old
(7)St. Lawrence, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom
(8)柴 UK 1856-1950 Ireland 1934-50
(9)a writer, critic, orator
(10)a comic essay
(11)Charlotte Payne Townsend 1898–1943 bereavement
(12)Unreligious 1
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Bernard Shaw’s Writing Room
He said he put the building on a turntable and made it possible to turn around in the sun
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(1)Muyazaki Hayao 2023-07-15504700
(2)It’s an elderly Koraebang. Move 1
(3)Cinica Hair Hair 2023-07-15491707
(4)Best 2
(5)Looks like a security office
(6)I want to fight every day 20230738675026
(7)Best laugh
(8)He took a picture in a cool posture. I thought he was hip
(9)But I was turning the house around
As long as you can use it like George Burn