I hate China’s MZ generation Korea the most

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(1)It’s Korea

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(1)South Korea’s.
(2)It’s like the Korean Wave

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(1)That’s what we’re talking about
(2)It has a lot of negative effects

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(1)That’s what Zhou Zerunzhu said

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(1)”Don’t let the Korean Wave go wild.” “Our Hwaryu is the best

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(1)The least favorite country

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(1)Chinese culture
(2)You’re plagiarizing

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(1)You don’t even admit it

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(1)And all the Chinese kids who hate Korea these days are probably over 90 for this reason

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(1)They stole our culture

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(1)Later on
(2)They said it’s their culture

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(1)I don’t know they’re being humiliated!

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(1)I don’t know the numbers

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(1)- Critical. – Critical
(2)a conversational class
(3)It’s kind of disgusting

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(1)Everything’s yours
(2)It’s Yuqi

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(1)Confucius is Korean

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(1)Rumors of connection with the Battle of Anshiseong
(2)In a Korean drama, a general
(3)Like when you kneel down on Lee Se-min, the Tang Tae-jong

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(1)There’s something that doesn’t fit the truth

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(1)8 out of 10 people don’t like China
(2)Korea is No. 1 in anti-Chinese sentiment
(3)8 out of 10 Koreans don’t like ChinaNo.1 in anti-Chinese sentiment
(4)SBS News

Yeah, so don’t come

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