The real-life version of the subway station in the Kaiji cartoon

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The background of Kaiji’s work is the 90s

In the early 1990s

And Jihaen Station is a very popular episode

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The rice is just crazy

But this is for a dramatic portrayal in an animation

Eating in comic books

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This is about it

They cut the fish into pieces and pickled vegetables

It seems that there are some ingredients in the miso soup

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And they sell snacks

I get 9,100 yen a month

A can of beer costs about 355ml 500 yen, a bag of potato chips 300 yen, and four chicken skewers costs about 700 yen

So let’s look at a place that existed in reality around the same time

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The photos have deteriorated a lot

This is Bob from a military training camp in the early ’90s

There are no ingredients in the soybean paste soup

Kimchi is seasoned, but cabbage kimchi

And the other one is kimchi

If you don’t believe it, you can search Nonsan Training Center Bob from the 90s

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(1)Year 1990
(2)Year 1991
(3)Year 1992
(4)Year 1993
(5)Year 1994
(6)Year 1995
(7)Year 1996
(8)Year 1997
(9)Year 1998
(10)Year 1999

Look, it’s a salary from the 90s

[Laughing] [Laughing]

Kaige’s salary is 9,100 yen

The real value of the class president’s profiteering is about 4,000 yen

But Korean soldiers didn’t even get 1,000 yen

Even Kaiji’s underground labor center

It guarantees Sunday holidays and rest from 6 p.m. to 5 a.m. the next day

At the same time, violence among workers is strictly prohibited

But the military

[Laughing] [Laughing]

There’s a reason why Korean men are so into KAI

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