Samsung Man Blind Shocked By Girlfriend To Get married

image text translation

(1)Two hours of flirting and dating
(2)Samsung Electronics 11ill
(3)My girlfriend wants to get married. I’m so shocked
(4)I’m a 33-year-old engineer
(5)A 31-year-old civil servant with a girlfriend
(6)It’s been a year since we met
(7)He seriously said he wanted to get married
(8)I asked him how much money he saved, and he said 30 million won
(9)You really saved up the money you saw on the internet
(10)When I was flustered, he said he saved 40 million won
(11)I said I got 200 million won

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(1)I said I couldn’t get help at home, but about 30 million won
(2)I think I can get some support [Laughing]
(3)I thought you saved some money because you said you didn’t like villas and wanted to start in an old building apartment[Laughing]
(4)The courage to marry with 30 million won was so great that I was surprised
(5)How much is my duo membership fee
(6)If you change jobs now, you’ll get 1 million won in congratulatory money
(7)1 Share

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(1)SK partner iliillilu
(2)I’m suggesting Pong Pong
(3)Good. 60
(4)Korea Workers’ Compensation and Welfare Service gaga999999
(5)The Samsung guys are always pong-pong-pong. I’ll start building
(6)That’s why I saved money when I got married at 28 years old, and my parents gave me 1.5 billion won
(7)The new company, Koreaakord
(8)Please wrap it up with love
(9)Good, 24
(10)There are several hospitals in Chungbuk National University
(11)It’s hot. Stop washing. Get away from me. I’m going to quit
(12)Good. 12


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