Actor Park Sungwoong class

image text translation

(1)the voice of the people
(2)Japanese forced labor without bereaved families
(3)Actor Park Sung-woong, who claimed to be the victim
(4)Reporter Lee Jung-mi
(5)Issued 2019-03-02 184641 Modified 2019-03-02 184641
(6)This article has been shared several times
(7)Actor Park Sung-woong and citizens march on Sejong-daero, Jung-gu, Seoul on the afternoon of the 28th, holding 74th remains of Koreans who were victims of forced mobilization in Japanese colonial eraThe 74th remains of victims of forced Japanese mobilization were enshrined at Tongguksa Temple in Osaka, Japan, and were returned to Korea for the first time in 80 years by organizations such as the National Council for National Reconciliation and Cooperation and the North Korean National Reconciliation Council.20190228 ⓒNewsys


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