What happens when you have a baby in a dirt spoon house these days?jpg

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(1)What happens when you have a baby in a dirt spoon house these days
(2)o202011130949 inquiry 451758 recommendation 2680
(3)Comments 756. Writing comments
(4)I’ve been talking a lot about giving birth to a baby in a poor family, so I’ve been using it
(5)In my early 20s, I talk like a dumb person
(6)He’s a survivor of a poor family
(7)The reason I’m a survivor is because I was pessimistic about living in my neighborhood
(8)There was a case of suicide together
(9)I was born and raised in a poor neighborhood
(10)80 percent of parents fight because of money
(11)The kids tremble while watching that
(12)My friends from the same neighborhood
(13)Starting with someone who can’t even have his own room
(14)Even someone who’s never received allowance
(15)starting with a variety of misfortunes
(16)Then, I went to middle school
(17)If you happen to get a decent rich village, you’ll be in hell
(18)I feel like I’m the only one who can’t live in a different world

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(1)The standards of rich people in poor families
(2)Middle-class children have different standards for rich people
(3)The standard for rich people in poor families is
(4)If you move into a new apartment and ask me to send you an academy, you send it every month
(5)He gets pocket money for more than 50,000 won
(6)The standard for middle-class kids to be rich is
(7)That’s so obvious that he’s not rich
(8)I studied abroad, went to academies in Daechi-dong, and lived in Gangnam
(9)an example of a rich man
(10)So I wondered if I would look like a human being to them
(11)According to the standard of poor families, if you go to the standard of a poor family
(12)There’s a double-income house
(13)There’s a house where my mom is a housewife
(14)The quality of the snacks is different
(15)Seasonal fruit that you see once or twice a year at home
(16)They just grind it and eat it
(17)They gave us homemade cookies and macarons

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(1)My friends who live in the new city visit my house and come to my house
(2)Even if you eat a bag of snacks, it’s your job to fight to eat more
(3)My mom goes grocery shopping once a month
(4)Snack snacks that I bought were all snacks
(5)It’s just a matter of making a matter of making a living
(6)It shouldn’t be a big problem if you hide it from your friends
(7)In the new semester, friends are close to each other because they know each other at the academy
(8)I don’t know how I feel when I feel alienated from conversation even if I explain it to my parents
(9)My parents think that cram school is a place where I study, so they tell me to only fill it with online lectures
(10)I don’t understand that academies are places where teenagers can socialize
(11)Doesn’t seem like he actually wants to understand
(12)He feels that he doesn’t have much to do with his own food, so he doesn’t have much to worry about
(13)I felt that it was annoying for them to sympathize with me

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(1)They go around drinking with local residents and have social gatherings
(2)Even if it’s a neighborhood where you can’t live, the issue of friendship with the pride of adults is important
(3)Children’s social relationships don’t matter at all
(4)I have to live in society
(5)You can buy your own clothes at the department store
(6)I think I just need to wear bonded clothes for kids
(7)At least the outerwear that you wear over your school uniform
(8)Even if it’s not a luxury brand, you’ll get in trouble if you ask me to buy it with a brand
(9)So, they are divided into factions to wear mud spoon and chopsticks
(10)Even if it’s a neighborhood I can’t live in, my parents invest in me
(11)But you can get along with your friends in class without feeling awkwardness
(12)It turns out that even if your house is a dirt spoon
(13)After school, I get pocket money to play n-bang with my friends
(14)The outerwear that you wear on top of your school uniform is similar to the fashion
(15)If you keep your mouth shut, you can’t tell that you’re a dirt spoon

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(1)It’s a neighborhood I can’t live in, but my parents don’t invest in me
(2)Jjin-dda and Jjin-dda are treated like Jjin-dda and Jjin-dda in the class
(3)You need to hang out with Lee
(4)Later, they’ll be criticized for what’s wrong with them
(5)If you study hard
(6)I’m going to get out of the class and become a model student
(7)My grades are just like that, but if I wear it like a beggar, I think it’s
(8)Even if I go to a better school district
(9)It’s just that there’s no violence or sexual harassment
(10)You can’t avoid ignoring eyes or subtle bullying
(11)I went to middle and high school in a well-off neighborhood
(12)I was shocked
(13)There was a split between the kids hanging out in the rich neighborhood
(14)There was an incident where a friend fell off

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(1)So, he came to my group and played for a bit
(2)I transferred to another school a month later
(3)When my friend’s parents heard about my friend’s situation
(4)It was a completely different school
(5)At the time
(6)He’s stressed out about his friends at school
(7)Shocked that I have parents who can let me move
(8)I had a similar experience when I was in elementary school
(9)I’ll give you some advice that my parents don’t want to help you
(10)In conclusion, I had to figure it out on my own
(11)I don’t have any friends I’ve been with for a year, and it’s crushed like Eunta

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(1)Soil spoon and chopsticks
(2)You should approach your friends with an open mind
(3)Talk openly with your friend
(4)Say sorry to your friend
(5)We talked about things that anyone could say
(6)to give no help
(7)But parents who live a little move to school right away because their children are having a hard time
(8)Later, when I saw his Facebook page
(9)When I transferred, I was the class president
(10)Seeing that my friends celebrate my birthday
(11)He seemed to be getting used to it and getting along well
(12)Well, at least it’s a house you can afford to move in
(13)Until elementary school, I thought everyone lived like my house
(14)All my parents thought I was salty
(15)I thought you only eat out on your dad’s payday or when your relatives come
(16)Eating out is about eating pork belly at a meat restaurant
(17)I thought you only go to rich families on TV for overseas trips and restaurants

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(1)But now that I’m in middle and high school
(2)It was more common for families to travel abroad
(3)Those kids didn’t even think they were rich
(4)I’ve been abroad. If you’re jealous
(5)I heard you haven’t been to Japan
(6)Children who grew up in houses that they haven’t even been to Jeju Island feel deprived
(7)It’s fortunate that I went on a school trip
(8)They don’t think they’re rich
(9)But I got a lot from my parents, so I thought I should do well
(10)If you play Truth or Dare with your friends
(11)I hate my parents so much and I want to leave the house
(12)He’s as poor as he used to be
(13)The number of people in extreme poverty who have to go into factories since they were 17 years old has decreased a lot

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(1)From kindergarten to middle and high school
(2)There are still families who only move around with jeonse or monthly rent without a single house
(3)Throughout my life
(4)Children born to poor parents
(5)In a world where the average income has risen, you will feel the incompetence of parents together
(6)I don’t have anything to learn from my parents
(7)I regard the state my parents gave me as punishment rather than grace
(8)My parents’ generation has more opportunities for regular admissions
(9)It’s more difficult to go to a prestigious university if you’re just trying to be ignorant
(10)If you have good academic background, you can get a job
(11)Even housing prices were much cheaper than they are now
(12)For 20 years, when a baby grows up
(13)He’s never had a house in his own name
(14)If you can’t get away from basic living
(15)It means a human being who didn’t survive that era and was pushed out

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(1)Those parents have poor experience, capital, culture, and capital
(2)a failure to pass on
(3)The living standards of middle-class children are also living, but the reason I envied them the most is because
(4)It was that I could respect and love my parents because I had the conditions for forming a harmonious family
(5)Kids who grow up with parents who do the average for others
(6)I think there’s something to learn from the way my parents live
(7)The sense of money and cultural capital they learn from their parents will make them better off later on
(8)The parents say that they love their children
(9)When he’s having a hard time, he can’t solve anything
(10)Rather, he talks about his difficulties to his child
(11)Even though my family is poor
(12)You are the youngest in the family and have a bright future
(13)It’s better than me to make money while I’m getting old
(14)failure to advance in law

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(1)So the child has no choice but to question it
(2)If you didn’t give birth to me, I wouldn’t suffer from poverty and my parents would be better off
(3)I thought so
(4)Children from dirt spoon families don’t envy chaebol families
(5)I don’t know what kind of world it is anyway, and I can’t imagine it because I only watch TV. The most envious family is the harmonious middle class around
(6)When I was in elementary school, I went to at least one or two arts academy
(7)On weekends, I went to amusement park or camping with my family, and on summer vacation, I went to the beach
(8)I go skiing during winter vacation
(9)A house where you can sometimes travel abroad as a family ○○
(10)These kids have a great family atmosphere
(11)There are many practical lessons that parents teach their children
(12)How to View Shares
(13)How to read and interpret political and social articles in newspapers
(14)a good book to read
(15)Very trivial things like how to use tableware in a restaurant

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(1)Children who inherit experience capital and cultural capital from their parents, and those who don’t
(2)If you go to college and live in society, the difference is more noticeable society
(3)When I was a teenager, I couldn’t tell because I only did what the school told me to do
(4)When you get out of your regular school life
(5)There’s a difference between those who have experienced anything and those who haven’t
(6)They often come to a restaurant where family members eat deliciously on their real friends’ birthdays, and they serve their close acquaintances by skillfully ordering wine
(7)Some kids are unfamiliar with restaurants, so they’re probably not cutting well
(8)If you live a slanted life like this
(9)The human network around you changes completely
(10)Even if we go to the beach together
(11)Some of them took swimming lessons since they were young, so they were good at swimming and surfing
(12)He said he knows how to ride it
(13)Some kids are not used to the sea, so they’re just dancing

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(1)I’ve done everything, so I’m going to do it well and become an insider
(2)There is a barrier between kids who are clumsy at everything and take a long time to learn
(3)That’s how the culture was formed
(4)I don’t know if the earth spoon and chopsticks don’t fit in because they feel strange no matter what they do in between them
(5)When it’s time to make money
(6)I’m learning what I want to learn late, so I can get rid of this inferiority complex
(7)I can live while doing it
(8)Most of the poor kids are just checking the time to escape
(9)My parents’ generation says that children in my neighborhood can be happy even if they are poor
(10)Most do not agree with the crown
(11)I agree with you that you can be happy even if you have a poor experience
(12)You can’t be happy if you continue to be poor

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(1)Latte used to be this poor
(2)People who have overcome poverty and to the point of making a living
(3)A really poor person wrote this because he was in pain
(4)I’ve seen people angry that they don’t know how to thank their parents
(5)They’ve had poor experiences, but the current situation has advanced enough to cover them up
(6)I think I was able to glorify that memory and feel grateful to my parents
(7)And there was a situation of the times to overcome that poverty
(8)The water is different from the water at that time
(9)I would’ve filmed 10,000 won of happiness then, but now 50,000 won is a week
(10)We don’t have enough food
(11)In the SNS era, children whose poverty is currently progressing are more suffering because their weaknesses are good to be revealed immediately
(12)It’s because I take it for granted that my income level has gone up
(13)The humiliation experienced by kids who can’t do the obvious is even greater

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(1)Human Theater Human Documentary 10,000 Won Happiness Love House
(2)It’s the time when this program was popular
(3)I live alone. Save me. Where are you going, Holmes
(4)How is it the same as when these programs became popular and mainstream
(5)Even in poor neighborhoods, poor people share levels
(6)I envy them in the order of escaping from the neighborhood
(7)Then the adults who are left in the neighborhood can talk behind their backs because of inferiority complex
(8)The kids in the mud village
(9)As soon as she got a job, she broke up with her parents and disappeared
(10)When I hear “Paper” from time to time
(11)I understand and I’m worried
(12)And I’m jealous, too
(13)Kids have a more transparent hierarchy
(14)I don’t know how to say it again
(15)It’s not socialized yet
(16)Poor snatches and ptsd are stronger than before

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(1)It’s the IMF generation
(2)It’s natural that there are a lot of houses that are ruined
(3)There’s no house without mercy
(4)People who had a similar feeling back then
(5)We’ve all overcome the worst poverty
(6)I’m saying that you can be happy even if you’re poor
(7)Like these days, there’s more non-marriage and more people to give birth to
(8)I don’t give birth to anyone who doesn’t
(9)in the midst of a falling birth rate
(10)I don’t know the ever-increasing gap that a child born into a poor family feels
(11)I don’t want you to bring up your own experiences
(12)All the friends who grew up in the mud spoon neighborhood are male, female, and non-married
(13)I want to do it then
(14)Like the caste system, it made me live in a set way, and I’
(15)even if you force yourself to
(16)I just want to run out of the house, insulate, get married, and live
(17)Family relationships are broken and not progressing

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(1)For those who are suffering from being born in this day and age
(2)I shouldn’t have given birth to him. Please accept that
(3)Don’t use your child to prepare for your old age
(4)I just don’t want you to open your hands because of family problems
(5)He pays his tuition as a director
(6)If you run full-time during vacation
(7)I was able to finish my college life well
(8)I wanted to give my parents a full student loan because of my house
(9)If you see a bunch of dirt spoon seniors who say they start out of debt, you just don’t want to use it
(10)I can’t wait until I get a job because I’m in debt
(11)As soon as you graduate, you have to go as you pass
(12)That is the inheritance of earth spoon and chopsticks

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(1)Bepple oo 20201113 1103
(2)I grew up in the poorest house in the neighborhood and felt the pain, frustration, and sadness of the article. The writer said he was still in his 20s, but as he got older, he suffered again. My parents, who are not ready for retirement, asked for pocket money every month The refrigerator is empty I don’t have anything to eat. Relatives constantly ask for money, such as going somewhere and not having money, etc. When I didn’t get a grade, I was slapped, slapped, and stressed out. I told them to pay for it because of you. I’ve been giving them dozens of times a month since I was a beginner in society for 20 years
(3)Bepl 2020 20201113 1643
(4)These days, students are more sensitive to poor housing than before. I clicked on the title and read it without much thought, and I was confused about the popularity of human theater, Human Documentary, Happiness Love House, and Home’s Dad, where these programs became popular and mainstream I think the world has changed a lot. lol It was a writing that made me understand why students say that they don’t like parents who have so many children when they don’t have money
(5)Beppleum 20201113 1814
(6)No, but even though the family environment was not good, I have good writing skills, and I don’t understand the social atmosphere through word choices or popular programs in the present era, or it’s not just a social sense!You must have studied hard I hope you live in a better environment soon
(7)Bepple OOO 202011131541
(8)But you’re good at writing
(9)Pros and cons ○○○ 202011131557 Full view >
(10)There’s only one way to escape from that. I’ve risen to study in a case like that. I don’t have money to go to private tutoring or academy. If I go to a good university alone, it’s worse. Anyway, everyone except me, build up your skills and survive there. I hope you try to become a better person with energy to lament your current situation

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