a legendary consolation performance

image text translation

(1)When this song came out, I thought I should sing it. Because I was a private for the rest of my life
(2)I went to school for 6 months
(3)Everyone else is doing well, but I wonder why I can’t go alone
(4)I didn’t[Laughing]
(5)Because my eldest brother died in the army, so I got the benefit
(6)I remember my mother crying while looking at your clothes that she sent to me at the training center
(7)Stay healthy. Stay healthy and work hard in the military. This country and wealth
(8)I think it’ll be an infinite comfort for you
(9)It’s kind of weird to say this all of a sudden. I’ll take a breath
(10)a letter from a private
(11)The day you leave home and take the train to the training center
(12)There’s something missing in my heart
(13)Friends, please write me a letter when you go to the army
(14)I won’t forget the happy days with you
(15)It’s starting again, young man
(16)JAMMIN, in 10 years
(17)I’ll do it
(18)K-pop Plus
(19)It’s starting again, young dreams
(20)The soldiers’ eyes are getting wet as they go past mid-term
(21)Kwangseok’s songs are the best, too
(22)on one’s way
(23)The fingers of the band guitar are going to peak, too
(24)It was praised as a remake, and Korean folk masterpieces
(25)The emotions of many soldiers are filled with ore
(26)Your consolation performance is over


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