The reason why there are many elderly people on summer trains.jpg

image text translation

(1)Jang Hyungchae 77 years old, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul
(2)I sweat a lot outside, but I don’t sweat here
(3)Since the square was cool, I rode it for about an hour and a half and almost 3 hours

image text translation

(1)Kim Man-im 77 years old, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul
(2)It’s cool on the way home And since I’m old
(3)You don’t have to pay for the subway That’s why it’s paper

image text translation

(1)the elderly’s subway vacation
(2)a subway vacationer
(3)When I’m at home, I just feel sleepy
(4)I take the subway a lot because it’s free

Free for those aged 65 or older since the 80s

The baby boomers were born over nine years from 1955 to 1963

ยท Baby boomers are a group of about 7.13 million people, accounting for 146 of the Korean population. It is said that the number of students born in 1958 was so high that they split classes into morning and afternoon

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