Professor Lee Jae-gap’s Facebook page

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(1)Even if I try to hold it in
(2)I keep getting angry
(3)Looking at the August quarantine relief plan
(4)It seems that they only pushed for financial savings without considering the reality of medical institutions and vulnerable facilities. As I have repeatedly said, COVID-19 can never be treated like influenza in vulnerable facilities such as hospitals and nursing homes If several diagnostic and treatment-related benefits are not covered by this quarantine relief plan, it will be like releasing a released colt in the presence of vulnerable patients different from the local community
(5)The Ministry of Economy and Finance and the Ministry of the Interior and Safety are trying to save money by easing quarantine, which is unprepared for the lack of tax revenue they have caused themselves
(6)the Department of Health and Human Services that never thinks about the scene
(7)Even the inability of the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to persuade the Ministry of Health and Welfare and the financial authorities
(8)I don’t know if I can sleep tonight
(9)Tea 182
(10)78,000 square meters


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