A lady who doesn’t want my son to be empty

image text translation

(1)After I sent my son to the training center, I always check the diary of the unit area in the morning
(2)It’s even colder than here, and you’re in the middle of the country, and you’re not a fine man
(3)I don’t know if it’s always bad or very bad
(4)My husband, who had been complaining so much, didn’t like it
(5)If you get trained, you’ll drink a bowl of dust. Why are you worried about fine dust
(6)And I heard that boys need to eat dust and roll around to be healthy. These days, children grow up in concrete and have weak immunity, so they have to eat a bag of dust in the military to become human beings
(7)And when they were young, the kids in the neighborhood would scoop up dirt and eat it. What do you mean, the same thing
(8)I’m not wrong, but I didn’t know what to say
(9)Instead of rice, I’m going to scoop up a bowl of nostalgic soil and scoop it up
(10)I’m having a hard time thinking about it
(11)I’m telling you that I don’t want my son to be empty


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