Yeonjin, whose first agency started selling her stuff

image text translation

(1)Episode 205
(2)You’re so cool, Yeonjin. Actress Lim Jiyeon
(3)in one’s school days
(4)He said he liked to come out
(5)Episode 205
(6)I dream of becoming an actor
(7)Did you dream of becoming a celebrity
(8)Episode 205
(9)Exploring civilization with Cha Seungwon!
(10)0 since I was young
(11)I wanted to act
(12)Episode 205
(13)But my parents were against it
(14)I went to a normal high school
(15)I wanted to major in acting
(16)Episode 205
(17)You’re so cool, Yeonjin. Actress Lim Jiyeon
(18)I had a part-time job at an acting academy and I didn’t tell my parents
(19)205 I can hear your voice>
(20)The reason why my parents opposed acting
(21)You’re so cool, Yeonjin. Actor Lim Jiyeon
(22)in our family
(23)There’s no one in arts or sports
(24)Episode 205
(25)It suddenly came out
(26)I said I’d act
(28)You have no talent. Never!
(30)Cool Jiyeon. Actress Lim Jiyeon
(31)enough to give up one’s grades
(32)I think it was a waste to go there
(33)Episode 205
(34)So cool! Yeonjin! Actress Lim Jiyeon Yu Queens!
(35)The first agency
(36)I sold my foot dream and went in
(37)You Quiz!
(38)When I did a lot of independent movies
(39)During the self-proclaimed Han Yejong Jeon Do Yeon
(41)You’re so cool, Yeonjin. Actress Lim Jiyeon
(42)It was so hard to go around alone
(44)I think I need to find out about the company
(45)I’ll pick an agency staff member
(46)Episode 205 Cool, Yeon Jin-ah Actor Lim Ji-yeon
(47)The seniors that I respect
(48)an in-house company
(49)Episode 205
(50)First of all, the agency that’s closest to my house
(51)Walk first!
(52)2 (53)I live in Geumho-dong
(54)It was the closest to Oksamusudong
(55)It’s cool to give it to Yeonjin. Actress Lim Jiyeon205 (56)There was a security guard in the parking lot
(57)Play > The Sound of Mokneran 205 episode is coolYeonjin, actress Lim Jiyeon
(58)I’m here to give you my profile Just go
(59)Han Ye-jong, security guard Jeon Do-yeon
(60)Only episode 205
(61)But it was really uphill
(62)You’re so cool, Yeonjin. Actor Lim Jiyeon. (63)It’s such a waste that it came up
(64)205 (65)You’re so cool, Yeonjin. Actress Lim Jiyeon
(66)One fruit. Go!
(67)exploration of civilization
(68)I think I need to see the CEO. Please let me see your faceIt’s you.
(69)You Quiz! ENGENE, you’re so cool. Actor Lim Jiyeon
(70)Around Kim Seokkyun and Cha Seungwon
(71)The security guard stared at me
(72)I can hear you >
(73)Come on in
(74)a205 with a voice
(75)So I went up to the company
(76)Guys, I came to meet the CEO of our company
(77)a security guard
(78)(79)The guy I thought was a security guard
(80)Episode 205 (81)I guess you liked the guts
(82)Episode 205 of Hearing a Voice
(83)a successful man
(85)I’ll give you the CDs of my filmography films
(86)Episode 205 (87)Then, I signed a contract
(88)Episode 205
(89)an agency representative
(90)- It’s your first time here
(91)Im Jiyeon
(92)Yes, it’s my first time here and I’m going to another company!
(93)”I Can Hear Your Voice” 205
(94)I’ll just send it… Ah, the confidence that I can do it
(95) Episode 05
(96)Yeonjin, it’s actress Lim Jiyeon
(97)If you asked us
(98)No, I’m not! I’m at the company that’s going to bury this bone
(99)That’s it!
(100)05 Flower Garden
(101)You’re so cool, Yeonjin. Actor Imji
(102)Full of confident charms
(103)Episode 205 (104)You’re so cool. Yeonjin, you’re an actor
(105)Was there any fear of rejection
(106)Yeonjin, actress Lim Da Jiyeon
(107)If I get rejected, I’ll just get rejected
(108)I can hear your voice
(109)If I can, I’ll do it alone, not like I always do
(110)It’s cold. Quiz Oderbrough


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