Recent state of American tip culture

image text translation

(1)These days, people order drinks or food at Starbucks or unmanned cafes
(2)The kiosk asked for tips
(3)That’s right!!
(4)It wasn’t that bad, but 5
(5)These days, wherever I go
(6)He asked for a tip
(7)Right, but I don’t think it’s
(8)Because it’s not like I’m getting more service
(9)I’m just like, “No TIP. Go for it.”
(10)But sometimes it’s hard to find No tip no!
(11)If you don’t do the lip makeup, force me to do it like it’
(12)They’re all looking at me like they’re telling me to press the button!!
(13)So, if you press No Tip
(14)I feel like I’m gonna do something to my drink!
(15)I agree
(16)That’s right. It’s psychologically burdensome

Kakao, are you watching

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