Who touches the Ark of the Open

image text translation

image text translation

(1)I lived in a slum and worked in a local grocery store
(2)I’ll share the food I’m going to throw away with the tramps
(3)On cold days, they made and distributed large amounts of coffee
(4)No one asked for money because everyone knew I was broke
(5)It was usually called a sandwich man because he usually made sandwiches
(6)Then I was robbed on my way home last year
(7)Five seconds after I ran into a robber, I’m sorry! Get away from the sandwich man
(8)Half a block away, four or five homeless people rushed in and started shouting to go out even though the robber was holding a knife
(9)The robber ran away and they ran after the robber
(10)I followed him, and there were about ten people there, and the robber was lying on the floor
(11)Someone called the police and the robber was arrested
(12)If anyone touches you, Sandwichman, we’ll look after you
(13)I have a gang run on junk sandwich meat and bread

image text translation

(1)Globalization of Pouring Matter 2023-08-10 191102
(2)Although opening is a beggar, they are the ones who will be the second to the world. Move 1
(3)Recommendation R reply
(4)Cosmos Yas 2023-08-10 191835
(5)I went to the police station
(6)Should I be decorating when I’m at home
(7)Dotos went to the police station most ridiculously
(9)2028 inquiry 68
(10)I just moved in, so my house was empty, and I got chicken without washing my hair for three days, but the chicken delivery man reported that it seemed like a homeless man had sneaked into an ownerless house, so I was investigated;;
(11)Comments 17
(12)Blueberry 007 2028
(13)That’s so funny
(14)iPhone 6s 2028
(15)Oh my god[Laughing] [Laughing]What is this
(16)At this time, 2029
(17)It’s really[Laughing]Wow


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