a genius mathematician who sadly died in his 20s

image text translation

(1)That’s Niels Henrik Abel 1802-1829
(2)Abel went to college at the age of 19 because he showed his talent in mathematics despite being extremely poor
(3)And after graduating from college, I kept studying math
(4)Abel, it’s popular to look for a 5th equation. I want to look for a box and hit it
(5)But Abel initially thinks there’s a general solution to the fifth equation, and he tries to find it, but there’s no way. Everyone’s trying to find a general solution without him
(6)Abel, no, really. Shouldn’t it come out at this point? Is there no general solution
(7)As a result of revising the direction of the study, he eventually published a paper at the age of 23 stating that there is no general solution to the fifth equation
(8)Abel, there’s no way to find a general solution to the fifth equation
(9)However, many mathematicians who worked hard to find general solutions to equations below the fifth order ignored this paper
(10)Gauss, you’re so blue, you’re such a young man, and the normal distribution is me
(11)I’ve heard of it
(12)Uncle Abel Aokoshi, please look at my thesis
(13)Kosh, you hit it somewhere and you lose it
(14)Since then, he has been a German engineer and minister who recognized Abel’s talent for studying mathematics
(15)I’m a mathematician. I’m going to eat Krelega Bebe
(16)the main line of the Lindae
(17)Crele hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~
(18)University of Berlin. Oh, my. You’re in such a shabby place
(19)One of the guys I know who’s really good at math is itle
(20)You can use it as a professor
(21)University of Berlin, Col
(22)And I decided to hire Abel. At Arin University
(23)Send Professor Bell’s letter of appointment to
(24)Why aren’t you coming with us
(25)I’m appointed to a teaching school
(26)Ah, if you’re going to do GFRIEND XXX, you should’ve done it earlier. Thank you, Bell
(27)Abel is already dead
(28)Two days before the arrival order, Tuberculosis
(29)Abel was 25 years old when he died of
(30)If you were an unlucky genius who was even more disappointed by the premature death and were recognized earlier, tuberculosis in a better environment could have changed a lot, even if it wasn’t natural
(31)Bell, if you’really
(32)Then I’m going to study math
(33)Abel’s theorem Abel’s theorem Abel’s equation Abelian equation Abelian integral Abelian integral, etcAbel died young at the age of 25, but he loved math more than he loved it and made a remarkable achievement in the history of mathematics Hermit Charles Hermite, who led the French mathematics world in the late 19th century, said, “From now on, Abel’s mathematicians are 500.”
(35)I’ve been busy for years


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