a wild case of sexual harassment in the United States

image text translation

(1)At the club I went to after the Amsterdam concert earlier this year
(2)Force strippers to touch and get Dildo out of the vagina and even eat bananas from the vagina
(3)The 12-hour rehearsal was sadistic without break time
(4)In the process, dancers who did not satisfy Rizzo were mercilessly fired, and one dancer had to dance with his clothes dirty under pressure that he would be fired if he went to the bathroom during rehearsals
(5)Also, he pointed out the weight loss when the dancers gained weight while shouting body positives
(6)In addition to the backup dancers who directly sued, all the creative director dancers who worked with Rizzo are continuing to post complaints and expose them
(7)With the concept of “I’m cool even if I’m fat,” the song’s lyrics were all about confidence healing
(8)There are two songs that topped the Billboard chart
(9)We won the Grammy Award for Best New Artist
(10)And Rizzo’s got these plus-size dancers
(11)It was a point of promotion to use it as your backup dancer
(12)I won an Emmy Award for the survival show


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