625 is the birthplace of the instructor who claimed to be a U.S.-led war

image text translation

(1)a declaration of destruction of branches
(2)Come on! Let’s do it!
(3)Acheson, the newlywed soldier of the Joseon Dynasty
(4)Everyone! Korean War 625 is
(5)It’s a war where the U.S. made all the directing and script scenarios!
(6)Seasonal Placement
(7)625 is a war started by the United States
(8)I’m studying history at Notice
(9)Communization in Light China
(10)Korean Volunteer Army People’s Army
(11)a thorn-damaging declaration
(12)○ But even before the war, in the United States
(13)What scenario was written
(14)Communization in Light China
(15)Joseon Volunteer Army
(16)This is the Acheson ship
(17)as soon as the war broke out
(18)South Korea is unilaterally pushed back
(19)the construction and engineering divisions of Gyeong China
(20)drinking harm
(21)Starting from Jeju Island
(22)three Korean volunteers
(23)a declaration of harm to the thorn
(24)The fact that we’
(25)a mercenary soldier of Joseon
(26)a declaration of harm to a branch
(27)even before the war broke out
(28)I was ready
(29)a good man who harms
(30)The confidential document two days ago
(31)It was released
(32)a mercenary soldier in the Joseon
(33)an injurious declaration
(34)Students, oh
(35)④ disorderly
(36)At that time, Incheon landing gear
(37)④the entrenchment of a disturbances
(38)the strengthening of authoritarian power
(39)Just casualties
(40)It’s just that the American soldiers
(41)If there’s an evacuation procession, I’ll take the plane
(42)④ a frantic school
(43)strengthening the power of a single house
(44)Let’s see how well they fall
(45)I dropped it a user’s stake
(46)out of character
(47)It was a nation Incheon Metropolitan City Museum of History
(48)the persistence of disorder
(49)strengthening of bond power
(50)~ the greatest history of modern day study
(51)What is the meaning of purpose
(52)the entrenchment of division
(53)a reputable sense of anti-Americanism
(54)That’s what I said. Crying key
(55)Hwang Hyun-pil, former teacher at the academy
(56)Police instructors for all public officials of all Brave Companies
(57)College of History and Education, Korea University
(58)Korean history education major at Korea University Graduate School, Hwang Hyun-ver, a police officer, a former MegaCST police officer, a seven-year-old Korean history instructor, a former first-level Korean history instructor, Amor Jam, a former Korean history instructor, and a former Korean history instructor
(60)Chonnam National University
(62)the first teacher of civilization
(63)a teacher at Vitaire


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