an easy-to-open can lid

image text translation

(1)It hurts to open a can of Japanese beer can opener hurts
(2)Cursor 2017751719
(3)There’s one thing that annoys me every time I drink canned beer
(4)Every time I open a can opener, my nails hurt I turned it around not to pick it with my nails, but my fingers didn’t go in and I couldn’t say it was stuck only on my nails, so when I pulled it up, the pressure of the bottle opener on my nails was transmitted all over my body, which gave me goosebumps
(5)But the other day, I couldn’t feel any pressure on my nails when I opened the canned drink
(6)The can opener naturally caught on the fingertips, and the can lid popped open. There is a can beer that you can open without hurting your nails. The beer I bought on this day was Japanese Asahi Beer, not domestic beer
(7)Why does Korean beer hurt my nails
(8)It was only when I realized that I could open a can without hurting my nails that I started to wonder I bought a domestic can manju and looked at the can opener
(9)First of all, it’s OB beer. There are few grooves to hang your finger on the can opener
(10)I can barely put a lever on the tip of my nail, but I can’t help but feel pain in my nail that takes all the pressure from the bottle opener
(11)The same goes for Cass
(12)Since we’re in the same company, I can barely see the difference between can opener
(13)98 with DROPERILLSP
(14)Hite has a wider groove
(15)Even the high one doesn’t relieve the pressure on your nails
(16)The groove is too thin But I’m still picking bottles over Cass and Obi
(17)feel a little better
(18)This is the Japanese Mac that I felt the new world of canned beer
(19)take the lead in
(20)The grooves are wide and deep, so the can opener is stuck on the fingertips, not on the fingernails
(21)It doesn’t hurt at all when I lift the can opener with my fingertips
(22)If you look closely, there is another slight difference The tip of the can opener for ASAHI
(23)It’s the same
(24)On the other hand, canned Korean beer is all round
(25)Ashi’s can opener ends are straight with a can beer rim and can opener
(26)Get more distance between the ends of the dog. It’s easy to pick with your fingertips
(27)to make crabs
(28)When you open a can of beer, people around you sometimes nail it
(29)I once complained of inconvenienceBut the person who responds to what I say
(30)Ram says he didn’t see much. He’s going to get angry if he can’t even get it
(31)I used a spoon, chopsticks, and even teeth
(32)It must have been pathetic to complain about canned beer in a country where you’really
(33)I don’t know
(34)I felt this canned beer in the cow Japanese beer has a strong appearance
(35)I told you what was wrong the other night My nanny is a canny
(36)The reason I couldn’t drink beer isn’t because she’s not good at picking
(37)Lina Brewery’s technology to make can lids is poor
(38)Japan’s MacAsahi gave it to me
(39)Even if Korean beer tastes bad, the world knows. And these days, disinfectants
(40)Even the smell of kasnanda… The Korean people who have been bothering me
(41)Korean beer conscience, but nails should not be embarrassed
(42)I don’t think so. It’s not that difficult and expensive. Please save my hair
(43)I’ll give up on the taste, so I’ll just do my nails
(44)I hope so
(45)Asahi Breweries Development of “Easy-to-Open Can Lid”


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