A father who can’t pass on a cow because he’s his daughter

image text translation

(1)The Youngest Who Cried the Old Couple 2
(2)All-day call brother Innojister
(3)You gave everything to your father’s sons. You need to give them elements
(4)The youngest cow that made the old couple cry
(5)the youngest cow that made an old couple cry
(6)If he doesn’t come, I’ll chase him
(7)Give me the fields and conch
(8)My father’s other house is
(9)My daughters gave it to me, but I didn’t see it
(10)The youngest that made the old couple cry
(11)Wholesale and retail of various grains of red pepper
(12)Phone 010-3632-3045
(13)Dad, the world has changed
(14)Old Information Sagok-ri
(15)2010-3632-304 Eastern Courier Voltage Freight Courier Noisy Delivery
(16)Dad, what are you going to do with raising cows
(17)I’m going to raise a cow and give it to my sons
(18)The youngest that made the old couple cry
(19)You gave everything to your sons
(20)You have to give me the cow
(21)Then give me something, too
(22)I can’t have a daughter

image text translation

(1)the youngest cow that made an old couple cry
(2)Kim Sun-mi’s 50 year old first daughter
(3)A daughter who lives near her father calls her work
(4)We always sing it and give it to our sons. Then we won’t come
(5)Kim Jong-ryang’s 82-year-old husband who prefers cows to his wife
(6)But you should call me when you’re sad. A daughter is a daughter
(7)If he doesn’t come, I’ll chase him
(8)Give me the fields and conch
(9)The youngest cow that made the old couple cry
(10)I can’t do that
(11)I can’t because I’m a daughter
(12)I can’t do that. She’s a family member
(13)I don’t know if it’s a son
(14)the youngest who made an old couple cry
(15)Kim Sunmi’s third daughter at the age of 50
(16)It’s okay if you don’t give it to me
(17)It’s better if you don’t say that
(18)Tuesday 01


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