5 people ordered 3 cups of coffee and then went on a rampage due to the enemy’sjpg

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(1)Today’s class president’s pick

Four men are seated inside a cafe

Here, we order 3 iced Americanos, and one cup per person is the rule, but the boss has no choice but to accept it

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(1)Today’s class president’s pick

While the drink is out, he sneaks a disposable cup inside the counter

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(1)Today’s class president’s pick

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(1)Today’s class president’s pick

We’ll share the drinks and give them to them. We’ll bring cups and give them away

He throws a mug and goes on a rampage when I ask what he’s doing

But the only thing that ended up hurting was bleeding

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(1)Today’s class president’s pick

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(1)Today’s class president’s pick
(2)It’s released!!

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(1)Today’s class president’s pick
(2)Is it okay to do business like this in the neighborhood

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(1)Today’s class president’s pick
(2)Think positively and understand the perpetrators

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(1)Today’s class president’s pick
(2)The perpetrator is currently hospitalized…To be investigated after treatment

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(1)Today’s class president’s pick
(2)Will it be established as a crime of assault on receiving a case for property damage

He’s in the hospital because he broke the Force and hurt his hand



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