Japan caught in a snarl

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(1)I emphasize safety, but…Looking at the past history

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(1)Trust me on this
(2)a radio French reporter
(3)If foreign experts participate in monitoring
(4)I think it’ll be more transparent

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(1)Trust me on this
(2)an official of TEPCO official
(3)First of all, the IAEA is involved
(4)a radio French reporter
(5)That’s a lack of transparency

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(1)Trust me on this
(2)an official of TEPCO official
(3)I can’t answer right now

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(1)Trust me on this
(2)Meltdown at Nuclear Power Plant for 5 Years to Hide It
(3)▶ 100 tons of contaminated water containing tritium leaked from 2011 to 2013
(4)Q. KBS report

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(1)Trust me on this
(2)Japan NHK Morning News yesterday
(3)TEPCO has experienced many scandals in the past that could lead to loss of trust
(4)If this happens repeatedly, the treatment water will be questioned for safety
(5)It could be 9

They’re desperate to hide it, but the traitors just insist that science and safety are guaranteed

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