The reason why Han Seokbong is such a great handwriting.jpg

image text translation

(1)Although Seokbong didn’t make it in the past
(2)In recognition of his outstanding penmanship, he is appointed to the Lion’s Hall of the Seungjeongwon
(3)I went to the Ming Dynasty several times
(4)It will make a name for itself
(5)One time, a rich man from the Ming Dynasty
(6)I invited the best writers from all over the world to have a party
(7)The rich man hung a black silk folding screen
(8)Get me some water with gold dust
(9)To the person who writes according to his or her will
(10)I said I’d give you a generous award
(11)Seokbong walks out
(12)Dip a lot of paint in the brush
(13)I sprayed it in the middle of the screen
(14)People who watched it were surprised, too
(15)The rich man’s face is distorted
(16)Seokbong started to swing his brush silently
(17)When the writing was completed, there was no trace
(18)Only strong Seokbong’s handwriting was left
(19)There was no one who didn’t cheer
(20)The host celebrated with great joy
(21)This incident brought Seokbong to stardom
(22)The Ming envoy
(23)Joo Ji-beon, an envoy of the Ming Dynasty, enjoys the banquet
(24)a Ming envoy and calligrapher
(25)I gave this homework to the Joseon aristocrats
(26)”How can I write a poem all night with this 100-letter rhyme?”
(27)This difficult homework was done by the greatest writer and poet of the time
(28)Cha Cheon-ro said he would try it
(29)His terms are really interesting
(30)Cha Cheon-ro recited a poem on the spot while drinking Han-dong
(31)Seokbong wrote it down on the screen
(32)Joo Ji-beon, who saw the letter, broke the fan without realizing it
(33)Wang Hui-ji’s portrait and hard feelings, respected as China’s best calligrapher
(34)That was the best compliment of the time
(35)Because he was a completely divine being who wrote the Chinese calligraphy after the generation of the time
(37)who fought in the Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592
(38)Lee Yeo-song, the devil, and other commanders
(39)for the sake of his own handwriting
(40)The writing spread throughout the world
(41)”From the perspective of Korea, which suffered a war at the time
(42)I was desperate for Ming’s support
(43)Seokbong’s handwriting is an enormous amount of national treasury and manpower
(44)would have been a factor in the reduction
(45)It’s a great patriotism out of cultural competence
(46)It was recognized as a great handwriting
(47)Is Han Seokbong still a masterpiece
(48)Opinions are in full bloom on this issue
(49)A story about cutting rice cakes with my mom
(50)It’s too well-known because it’s so popular with the population
(51)a day of one’s birth
(52)It’s just a boring and uniquenessless font. Bell chunggi
(53)shawl-dull beekeeping
(54)It’s not unique. It’s just plain handwriting
(55)Nulsu Law Yoon Rulbu Chuon High School
(56)That’s what she’s supposed to do
(57)This typeface is
(58)It’s officially adopted in Korea
(59)National Document Standard
(60)various computer programs such as Hangul Excel
(61)The typeface used in elementary, middle, and high school textbooks
(62)It’s none other than Han Seokbong
(63)Our eyes are already tamed by this typeface
(64)I don’t feel that special
(65)At that time, Seokbong
(66)in a creative way
(67)- He created his own cheerful and strong west wind

When I saw the handwriting, I thought he was just normal, but Seokbong’s handwriting was standard, so I was used to it

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