The reason why the younger generation is not dating anymore

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(1)Saturday afternoon 401연애 The misfortune of dating and marriage
(2)Now young people in Korea don’t date, don’t marry, and don’t have children, of course, those who do do do well, but more people lock themselves up in their own space
(3)Of course, economic reality will be the biggest reason for not being able to date, marry, and have children But that’s
(4)It’s common sense, so I’m only going to talk about it on a cultural level here
(5)There is a notion of the number of Dunbar stable in human beings
(6)It’s a number that can build relationships, but usually at 100
(7)Between 230 and between 150 is common
(8)Humans are born with the same brain as 20,000 years ago, 200,000 years ago, and of course the body is the same, because we have dentists that can be used for our teeth, and they have a lifespan of 30 years
(9)It’s not because of this. Primates don’t usually live that long, so only the environment has changed, which means we’re the same
(10)The number of Dunbar is the number of primitive tribes or tribal associations, and in fact, it is considered that it has not benefited from civilization as much as any other groups around itDuring the Joseon Dynasty, the villages of Dongjusaeng were formed in this numberThat’s why the Joseon army
(11)It was convenient to break each one Humans are born with a brain that recognizes this level as a whole of my society
(12)Even if mankind had lived a life without the typical beauty or objective handsome image like now for most of its survival, the standard would have been very subjective unlike now
(13)In the past, I have to find my mate in 150 people unless I have a predatory marriage Among them, I grew up with a couple of people my age, and I don’t know how satisfied I was with a child. I don’t know how satisfied I was, but I don’t see any psychological unhappiness. Even if I get married to another tribe, the town has a population of 150 people. I don’t have to compare myself to so many good people like now
(14)In fact, if you look at old couples in the countryside on TV, their spouses are ordinary, but there are elderly people who looked like lovers in their youth, but they don’t feel superior or unfair to their spouses, and the other spouses don’t feel inferior
(15)That’s not the case now Legacy media and social media show countless pretty, handsome and sexy people Now there are tens of millions to compare me and my partnerBeauty standards are established and appearance ratings are standardizedThese days, we live overwhelmed by the number of people who are superior to us
(16)Therefore, young people who know their grades better than necessary cannot meet a better person even if they date, so they have no choice but to live with a girlfriend who wants to date Karina, but has no choice but to meet a girlfriend who is not as attractive as Karina
(17)I think it was until the 1990s in the Seoul metropolitan area when a small citizen with nothing married a surprising beauty and started in a single room, or a man who looked like Won Bin lived well with an ordinary-looking housewife Now, I’m thinking about what kind of relationship
(18)But I’m losing to a lot of top-rated competitors
(19)My partner is a certain grade, but he meets me
(20)There’s a reason and it’s going to be that much
(21)I used appearance as an example, but of course, it’s not just appearance
(22)Money is involved, and humans are graded, and even
(23)After being serialized in a way that even has a good personality, it’s normal-bad
(24)If you want to date and get married, the managers of the company
(25)As I said on YouTube, I hope you can pick your own topic
(26)You need to understand the subject. Psychologically, it’s a negative thing
(27)I can’t help it
(28)Because of the development of the media, young people end up with love
(29)Even if there’s a hidden misfortune, it’s natural
(30)Even if you don’t lose, if you’re a traitor to Koreans who are competitive to lose
(31)Because of its nature, it’s relatively less shocking
(32)It’s possible to think that you avoid dating
(33)On the one hand, for this reason, it is not possible to prevent the development of the media
(34)It’s an unopposed golden brown
(35)There is a plausible way to avoid defeat
(36)It’s probably heartless, but it’s
(37)I’m the god of chu
(38)The possibility of defeat must admit that he is a snob
(39)The moment you do it, the person you want to avoid is an anesthetic
(41)The claim that love has disappeared and only a deal is left
(42)Modern people know to be humanLove Is There Award
(43)For example, whether you meet trust or friendship, you can feel it after a long time
(44)Jin is a Sajairarang, but it’s about love
(45)There is a strong barrier to comparison on the road
(46)It is the idea that
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