Chairman convicted of insulting employees

image text translation

(1)On the chairman’s birthday, employees practice for 3 weeks
(2)A talent show for the president’s birthday
(3)Herb department paper
(4)Herb VillageDESK Chairman Hong Sung-yeol’s employee’s abusive and abusive remarks are investigated by the police
(5)Last 23rd News Desk
(6)-19 TO. -Like this
(7)A talent show for the president’s birthday
(8)I think it’s not just architecture, but it’s a masterpiece
(9)The goal is to become a heaven created by nature
(10)I’m going to hit and catch crawfish. Laughter
(11)DESK Chairman Hong Sung-yeol’s employee is investigated by the police for swearing and abusive remarks
(12)You punk
(13)I mean, the dogs
(14)Where is everyone
(15)Chairman Hong Sung Yeol
(16)All of you are so clumsy
(17)You punk! You’re going around
(18)Mario Outlet on the 14th floor in May last year
(19)DESK Chairman Hong Sung Yeol’s Birthday Celebration
(20)It’s the CEO’s birthday. Hooray, CEO
(21)Surviving new employee Hong’s dance performance at the birthday party
(22)I think I practiced dancing for 2-3 hours a week
(23)I don’t want to avoid it after work…I was tired
(24)Former Mario Outlet employee A
(25)There’s a lot. It’s a question of whether I have to do it or not
(26)I asked the question and it turned out like that
(27)I’ll be called to a private party
(28)You’ve been using abusive language for a long time because you made it tacky…
(29)Stupid guys, you know, you’re not even good at this
(30)The staff will help you
(31)MARI was a public business
(32)What you prepared for me
(33)Marion Employee A O Outlet
(34)They don’t give a performance to a child who’s not an Uber and will be able to hear his age… Doing a talent show like this
(35)There were a lot of adults, and it felt like a shame
(36)Former Mario Outlet employee B
(37)I do it once a year. I do it every year
(38)It’s like a monkey at the zoo for a medicinal talent show…
(39)I didn’t order it. The employees
(40)Chairman Hong Sung Yeol of MARI
(41)I prepared it on my own
(42)If I can’t do it, I’ll say that he’s done. Why am I doing this to DESK? I’m going to be a woman and a woman
(43)He’s been at other meetings, and he’s been on the staff
(44)I’ll be called to a private party
(45)journalists in the fashion industry and journalists in the field
(46)Those people come to see us
(47)I’m invited to a private party. I’m a bum
(48)From ordering food to serving… I always do the dishes
(49)I’ll escort your cab to the end of the ride, like Linda
(50)Korea’s best fashion brand
(51)Mario Outlet
(52)Mr. B Mario All Outlet Employee
(53)I have to work for the XXX team, but I suddenly came up and asked them to fly food and take pictures, so why are you doing this to the company
(54)Did I wear it…S
(55)Delivery’s National Redeemer
(56)It’s the CEO’s birthday. Hooray, CEO
(57)Whether it’s dancing or not, Mario Outlet employees are clapping their hands
(58)with a stroke of
(59)As soon as he opened up his hand to congratulate his birthday, he clapped his hands and was happy
(60)Using new employees to practice mass games to celebrate their birthdays

image text translation

(1)Mario A, who cursed at the staff of “DogsXX”
(2)3 million won in penalty for conviction of Chairman Woollett
(3)Shortcut to Global Leader
(4)General News Agency
(5)Hong Sung-yeol, chairman of Mario Outlet, fined for insulting employees
(6)3 million won confirmed
(7)Chairman Hong Sung-yeol of Mario Outlet insulted employees’ guilty penalty 300
(8)MT Money Today
(9)You’re eating like a pig. Get out of here, Hong Sung Yeol
(10)Chairman Mario Outlet is convicted

a fine of 3 million won

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