Apgujeong restaurant staff’s disparagement of idols

Apgujeong restaurant staff’s disparagement of idols

image text translation

(1)NCT CHENLE Ohm, real time

image text translation

(1)To tell you about it, Taeyi is so big
(2)Reason for estimating TAEY as large =
(3)It’s the first time I’ve ever smoked a cigarette
(5)Transfer relationship, TAEYEON

image text translation

(1)#Aewol Restaurant
(2)I know CHENLE is here, but he’s talking about his nationality
(3)You can belittle me like that
(4)The reason for estimating it as a large tai = John Nakol Elementary Tobacco Zone
(6)Suspected to be a transfer relationship TAEY
(7)”Inct Chenle Ohm” in real time
(8)Apgujeong branch of Aewol Restaurant
(9)CHENLE and TAEY, please say sorry to fans
(10)I’ll give you a letter

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(1)Apgujeong branch of Aewol Restaurant
(2)I’d like to apologize to CHENLE and TAEY
(3)I think it’s all our fault
(4)However, because it was an unacceptable behavior, he resigned from the company
(5)I apologized to CHENLE and asked for his understanding
(6)I’m so sorry
(7)319/2023 September 1, 1.91 million views

Staff fired

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