We’ll give you Lamborghini for free!

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(1)I bought a Lamborghini

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(1)- Adam, I’ll give you the Lamborghini
(2)- Thank you

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(1)What are the conditions for having this

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(1)Recently, I bought a tank that I really use in the military

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(1)Exactly three days later, the Lamborghini that I just gave you

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(1)I’m going to drop a missile

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(1)You can use this credit card to your heart’s content

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(1)Build up your defenses

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(1)If Lamborghini survives, you can take it

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(1)This is the key point
(2)Defend! That car is mine!

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(1)The first thing Adam did was call the builders

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(1)I was going to bring building materials and build a wall

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(1)This is THE SECO’s first defensive poolMOTOR MY PROCESS

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(1)So far, Adam has built two concrete walls

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(1)We built two walls of cars
(2)I’ve set up three pools

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(1)I saved 20 actual tank shells

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(1)I saved 20 actual tank shells

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(1)I’m not gonna stop shooting until I’m done

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(1)I didn’t know a tank could shoot this fast

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(1)That’s amazing

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(1)THATO CINC I’ll try my best

Mission accomplished!!

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