You’re a good person. Why is your self-esteem so bad?jpg

image text translation

(1)Self-esteem test
(2)My self-esteem score is
(3)It’s 2 points
(4)My self-esteem score is 2 points. Top 463
(5)You’re a good person. Why is your self-esteem so low
(6)What’s your score
(7)Give me the link

image text translation

(1)Oh, my god
(2)1126 p.m
(3)a cousin test
(4)My self-esteem score is
(5)-36 points
(6)My self-esteem score -36 points Bottom 25
(7)According to the SECS Research Institute in the U.S., the average score is 25 points, and the average self-esteem index for college graduates in the U.S Also, the average number of CEOs of socially successful human resources companies
(8)Jisoo also scored 28 points, which wasn’t that high


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