The end of a young man who saved a man who collapsed on the subway

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(1)Chaewon’s heart was a bit uncomfortable since the morning. The subway
(2)By the time I entered Jamwon Station, I couldn’t stand properly, so I collapsed in front of the elderly and the elderly. I was barely conscious and breathing hard, and I heard the elderly around me asking if I was okay They were all in a hurry, and I heard a young man’s voice
(3)I think I need to get off and lie down first!
(4)As soon as I finished talking, the guy gave me a big hug and got off the subway And I put him in a chair nearby to see how he was doing When I opened my eyes slowly, the man was sitting on his knees right in front of me, looking up at me
(5)What is this drama-like situation
(6)He’s my husband now I found out later that it was the first time my husband was late for work, and I left four hours earlier than the original departure time for the exam, so it felt more like fate

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(1)When I look back on B.I’s days, I wake up that morning
(2)I think it was hard Eventually, I was late, and I was in a hurry, so I woke up earlier on the subway than I was supposed to get off at, but I saw the elderly and the elderly seats were cluttered and crowded It was the scene where my wife collapsed Even though my wife was conscious, I saw people trying to do CPR, and I thought it would be bad if she did that, so I stepped up
(3)My mother has a bad heart, but the symptoms seem to have similar hyperventilation, so I asked the old man next to me for a plastic bag and gave her first aid And then I called the station staff and 119, and when I came out, the paramedics got the number of the elderly next to me and didn’t get my number, so I gave them my contact information and accompanied them to the end just in case

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(1)A week later, I’ll visit the cafe and officially
(2)I’m in love with him At that time, my husband was also a model, so he looked good He was 190cm tall and kind. Of course, I was attracted to him I was so excited that I couldn’t even eat properly She flirted and eventually hit her lowest weight in her life


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