Coupang’s updates

image text translation

(1)Hello, I’m an employee of Coupang Your kids are eating Lax. 114
(2)1143 Recommended 914 Inquiry 34824
(3)View glass mental writing
(4)First, don’t order drinks from Coupang!!!!!
(5)Everyone and your child are touching and eating the rocks!!!!
(6)I can’t write. I’m rambling, but please read it well Let me explain the story
(7)To put it simply, the shipping process
(8)Product Shipment->Subdivision Center->Delivery Camp->Customer
(9)It goes like this
(10)Of course, Korean foreigners are throwing things at the sub-division center because of the time limit for the same-day delivery
(11)Of course, the damage to the delivery product is incredible
(12)The delivery camp takes care of that
(13)Dispose of existing products if damaged -> ship new products
(14)The customer will receive a normal product
(15)Those of you who are typing on the keyboard and looking at the data
(16)It’s like a silver J
(17)Because I think I’m hungry
(18)We’ve been ordered to reduce the damage
(19)Damaged products are usually disposed of, so damage agents are used to reduce costs
(20)It’s a reasonable order to take care of the goods
(21)But the problem is the standards that need to be carried out in the field
(22)Shut up and order 80 down
(23)Simply put, 100 cases should be reduced to 20 cases
(24)I think more detailed figures will specify where I work
(25)So what do we do to carry out these unrealistic numbers
(26)That’s right! He’s neglecting safety
(27)I’ll tell you about the existing process
(28)If the detergent pops, the liquid will contaminate other products
(29)Then the shipping company’s shipping company, Quickplex
(30)Put the products in the damaged zone
(31)Then, the staff at the site
(32)We’ll take care of all the damage and re-ship the new product
(33)How will we proceed with the changed process
(34)I wipe off the contaminated product with tissue and repackage it
(35)Ta-da! As if nothing happened, I put it back in the delivery zone as if it were a new product
(36)Everyone, your father, mother, wife, and children
(37)When you drink the canned drink from Pang, you eat the Lax as well^^
(38)Coupang’s bag is slippery
(39)The waybill is different from the existing waybill
(40)The product box has changed
(41)Lax detergent. Cooking oil. Wiped or repackaged
(42)Why am I posting this
(43)The first one is because I’m having a hard time!!
(44)I can’t take a break from this crap
(45)The second one gives me goosebumps
(46)It is unethical without knowing customers who make money to reduce costs
(47)I feel like I’m running a business
(48)I think it’s because of me if my friends and children get sick
(49)It’s no different from the humidifier disinfectant case
(50)The case was traceable
(51)After the members in the team get along
(52)It’s a case where we can’t trace it because we can’t
(53)Coupang employees don’t buy it from Coupang these days
(54)I can’t feed my baby Lax detergent. My parents’ health is important
(55)One of the ultimate goals of a company is profit-seeking
(56)I’m sure you know from the business administration department
(57)It’s double eight years of knowledge that profit-seeking is all about
(58)Currently, companies are accompanied by profit-seeking social responsibility
(59)Profits are ultimately generated by members of society
(60)Let me tell you again
(61)Don’t buy things on Coupang for a while!!!!!
(62)It doesn’t matter if this article is tracked
(63)It’s savory. I touched it so much that my finger skin came off, so do I
(64)Here we go
(65)I don’t have to work at a company, so I don’t do anything unethical
(66)□ Recommendation 914

image text translation

(1)I’m a camp worker at Vapele ClsThis article really needs to be known
(2)The camp is full of canned drinks rolling on the floor, unable to find an invoice
(3)Due to the damage process these days, camp managers CL must damage it
(4)They told me to reduce it, so I put all the canned drinks in one place
(5)I’m using it like a spare
(6)If you look at the scene, you really don’t want to order it
(7)Even if you tell the camp manager about the damage that seems too serious
(8)It’s like, “No matter what”
(9)Whether the customer sends it back or complains, as long as it reduces the damage
(10)I said yes
(11)There are a lot of people who are complaining right now
(12)These people also get complaints when they deliver products like this
(13)It’s getting annoying
(14)I hope this article will be widely known
(15)Report kiitos 1328
(16)Answer comment 1
(17)I order the pear from Coupang that I.P.H.P.E. from Coupang
(18)Bored one, report 1153
(19)It’s been a long time since I’ve been using Vapeul Coupang since I was swarming around
(20)Reported by Sakan Mannan 1156


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