an inhumane territory of India

image text translation

(1)In this article, there are characteristics that are different from India that we commonly think of in Indian territory
(2)I’d like to introduce you to Nagaland
(3)Nagaland is the fourth smallest state in India
(4)It has an estimated population of 2.2 million
(5)India has the lowest population density
(6)And the people of Nagaland
(7)So, 90 percent of the population, the Naga
(8)As you can see in the pictures above, Iri is more of an Asian than an Indian
(9)They are very close to Myanmar’s main ethnic group, the Burmese, and the ethnic South Chinese, who say they are genetically excessive
(10)close by
(11)The Hamt language of Tibet is a Chinese language
(12)In the first place, Lee Ki-won is also believed to be in southern China
(13)There are 17 tribes in the Na family, including Ao Chakesang, Changlota, Pompomai, Lengma and Sengtam
(14)The biggest church in Asia is Nagaland, as you can see
(15)Hinduism is the master, but in the Nagalan-ryu descending fox
(16)the tax of Christianity
(17)Eighty-eight of the population are Christians, and discipline is seen in Nagaland
(18)Among them, Protestantism is strong, and Baptistism is especially Christian among Protestants
(20)Although the three baptisms are shorter than one of the affiliated schools in the Christian world, the only place to eat is this naga
(21)Christianity was introduced to this place by the local belief animism of Christian history
(22)only in the century
(23)Today, Nagaland has high church attendance, both urban and rural
(24)These people were also strong from the road separatist public opinion
(25)Organizations like the Nagaland Civil Society and Pakistan’s Isthmus have armed themselves against the Indian government, and they’ve been fighting for China’s power
(26)I’m going to take it’s
(27)However, the armed struggle is now on the quiet side, and the land is on the verge of collapse, and India and its people are pushing ahead as soon as they give up their independence
(28)Excited places with a large family population
(29)They belong to India
(30)It’s because of that country in the UK
(31)Britain had to be matched in the management of colonial India, and by 1850, it had to be fought ten times, and by 1851 it was fought in the Battle of Yankee Kruma
(32)The attack of my family, who had Mertha style, of course, said that Britain would make its way first, and that they would enter their land
(33)In 1839, they launched a military expedition against the enemy
(35)It’s really bloody
(36)The battle is told by the oral tradition of the English, and the British used their self-governing, fire-fighting liver policy, which included this whole gun, and before that, the British were humiliated several times on expeditions against the Na family, armed with spears and knives, of course
(37)Tu Kyo-hoon’s honorable gift to his family
(38)a long list of
(39)Even if we used an anti-government policy, unfortunately, many of the people of the Naga clan do not have people, and we used to go out and introduce this land
(40)The true Myanmar species left behind
(41)took possession of and extended its territory to the land of my family You can only find this kind of record. You can enter and engage with the British
(42)For your information, the independence movement of the People’s Republic of China joined hands with the Axis powers
(43)I’m going to go out there, too
(44)Discrimination against the Indian Ministry and their families, unplanned rule, and the presence of the militants operating here
(45)on account of
(46)In Nagalan India, it was also particularly poor. As of 2009, it was the second-highest poverty among all Indian states
(47)Although 68 of the population live in small villages that are not urbanized and lack industries other than agriculture, Nagaland has a 10-year growth rate of 99 per year for economic development and double per capita income of 21C. This growth of Na Garland is covered with over 90 forests 80 gold crops with a Chinese literacy rate
(48)out of focus
(49)rising, etc
(50)It’s easy to stand up
(51)I want to go to Hong Kong, Singapore, and other places to find jobs
(52)Harland is striving to revive the tourism industry as it has high potential for Lomo pipeline mining
(54)From 2014
(55)Nad residents
(56)Nature of Nagaland
(57)My family’s handicrafts
(58)the hornbill festival
(59)a woman dressed in traditional clothes


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