I look like a girl. German college students

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(1)”I look like a girl”. A mask from Germany
(2)The story of high school students protesting
(3)Bang Dong-deok, a reporter for Maekyung Dotcom, entered by Byd mkcokr 20239180636
(4)On the 2nd, about 50 students and citizens of Casel University protested in front of Casel Central Station in Germany wearing a girl’s mask in connection with the sudden demolition of the Peace Girl’s Statue. = Yonhap News Agency
(5)Casel University students and citizens, who were suddenly demolished after setting up the “Girl of Peace Statue Progression,” drew attention by wearing a girl’s mask and protesting, saying, “I’m progressive. Save progressive.”
(6)According to Yonhap News Agency on the 18th, about 50 students and citizens of Casel University stood in line in front of Casel Central Station in Germany on the 2nd

image text translation

(1)Where is Nujin? Where is Nujin
(2)Those wearing T-shirts that read ‘Save Nujin’ and carrying the same picket repeatedly shouted, “Save the progress.”
(3)In order to regain the lost statue of the girl of peace, those who acted as girls themselves began at the central station and marched through the city center for about two hours, including Konigsplatz and City Hall
(4)According to Casel University of Art, which co-organized the event, the performance was attended by students who participated in the workshop and citizens and re-readers who rally at the place where the statue of girls was progressed every Wednesday
(5)Ethan, a graduate of Casel University, said, “The Statue of Peace was suddenly demolished, but it didn’t become a hot topic, so we planned a performance to show that we are all girls and expand information by participating.”


I support you.

You’re cooler than a selective angry college student in Korea

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