Celebrity A who used IU and abandoned her

image text translation

(1)My friend who will recommend me a book
(3)I think it’s the wrong number
(4)I’m sorry
(5)Really hung up
(6)No, on my cell phone
(7)I’ve been doing it for a day
(8)10,000 viewers
(9)They’re watching us
(10)I’m finally introducing myself
(12)Right now, this is a live show
(13)You should have told me!
(15)It’s going out
(16)That was close
(17)length fighting
(19)It’s IU
(20)I’ve been picking books all day to recommend
(21)I’ll recommend a book
(22)Let’s have a fight
(23)But you’re going to hang up if I recommend a bookcrying
(24)I was home alone all day today
(25)I have no one to talk to
(26)We’re not going to hang up!
(27)I’m not going to hang up, so recommend a book
(28)It’s easy!!
(29)hard to listen to
(30)The recommended book for iYumi is
(31)It’s by Lim Sol-ah
(33)What do you recommend this book
(35)There’s a sentence like this
(36)Even good sentences
(37)I found it!
(38)In order to get better
(39)We were willing to get worse
(40)It’s there
(41)I didn’t prepare anything more
(42)Yes, yes. I’m not going to hang up
(43)I’m not going to hang up, so please say goodbye first
(44)It’s not over yet
(45)Why did you end the summer solstice
(46)All right
(47)Then wait for a second
(48)an unrelenting disconnect
(49)You have to run away before Yu In or IU arrives
(50)Thank you so much for your precious time
(51)After the live broadcast
(52)Missed call IU
(53)You texted me and I went crazy
(54)Why aren’t you coming back
(55)I only get drunk
(56)Throw me away like this!
(57)You can do this on a culture show!!! MBC


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