Poet Ryu Keun’s Vengeance Battle

image text translation

(1)What do you mean Lee Jae-myung won No.
(2)Lee Jae-myung was always there
(3)If they’ve worked on something
(4)It’s their failure. It’s their defeat
(5)They will never disappear
(6)So we might not win
(7)But we’re here with a consistent heart
(8)that will make them fail and defeat
(9)it is.

image text translation

(1)the simple laws of history
(2)I want clarity from Lee Jae-myung
(3)I will definitely retaliate!
(4)I ask you to make a statement like this
(5)I’ve never won before
(6)Please replace Ryu Keun’s heart
(7)I’ll support politicians who will retaliate


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