A real picture of Venus taken 40 years ago

A real picture of Venus taken 40 years ago

image text translation

(1)The surface of Venus photographed by the Soviet probe Venera 13
(2)Real Venus surface landing photo ㄷㄷ
(3)A few minutes after this, the air pressure and temperature are all ruined
(4)Atmospheric pressure => approximately 95 times the earth’s atmospheric pressure
(5)Average temperature => about 500℃
(6)Average wind speed => 360 m per second ※ Reference Typhoon Cicada Wind speed 50 m per second Toxic atmospheric carbon dioxide 96 Other sulfuric acid carbon monoxide, etc
(7)Unlike Mars, which can be explored for years if it is spent hundreds of millions of dollars on a probe, Venus’ surface exploration lasted less than an hour even if it was spent hundreds of millions of dollars on the current technology, but only slightly more than two hours even after the Soviet Union plastered the probe with titanium
(8)the Venera program of the Soviet Union
(9)The Soviet Union began sending probes to obtain data from Venus from 1961 to 1984. It sent probes from Venera 1 to 16 to collect data on Venus, but Venera 1 and 2 failed to communicate after going off Earth’s orbit and were not given the name Venera
(10)After several failed attempts, Venera III, launched on November 16, 1965, entered Venus’ atmosphere and crashed into the ground about four months later As a result, Venera III became the first human-made object to crash into another planet
(11)Then we sent probes from No. 4 to No. 6 to measure the atmosphere and begin to narrow the distance above the surface Of course, there were also probes that failed to escape Earth’s orbit These failed probes were given the name Cosmos
(12)And finally, in December 1970, Venera 7 landed properly on Venus and succeeded in collecting data for 23 minutes The descent speed was 60 kmh, so it was almost stuck on the ground, but fortunately, it did not break down and the data was transmitted safely. Originally, it was necessary to take a picture of the surface and transmit it, but unfortunately, it failed because the direction of the antenna was headed elsewhere than the Earth due to unstable landing. After landing Venera 9 and 10, we were able to successfully transmit the picture
(13)Venera 11 and 12 both failed to operate the camera, but 12 was 1
(14)It survived for 10 minutes and recorded a suspected lightning strike
(15)The Venera 13, which arrived on Venus in March 1982, only made its fuselage titanium
(16)The lens is made by cutting the crystal, and the liquid nitrogen cooling system
(17)It is fully equipped to withstand the heat of Venus. Expected limit
(18)Fortunately, I was able to move for 127 minutes, and I was on Venus
(19)I made the achievement of photographing and transmitting the surface with color photography Of course, right now
(20)that would have been completely destroyed by the heat of Venus
(21)be presumed to be
(22)The Venus Surface Sawtoothba, photographed by the Soviet Venus probe Venera 13
(23)Quicherboy is part of the tom and the middle of the photo on the right is a diagonal line
(24)If you look, you can see that something has fallen off This is the probe’s heat shield
(25)Because of one of the parts, the actual exploration time is much shorter than scheduled
(26)No. 14, which was launched at the same time about 15 days apart, is also a Solaeite Hyunmoo
(27)We found cancer
(28)No. 15 and No. 16 were launched at near-empty time, creating a radar map
(29)In19856, the Benera project ended after Vega’s 1st year 2nd year

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