Credit payments that are popular on SNS these days

image text translation

(1)You bought it
(2)I did Pay Later
(3)I’ll buy things first
(4)for up to 60 months
(6)It’s a kind of digital trauma
(7)60 months!
(8)I can do it, but rather than cards
(9)Interest is cheap
(10)But we’re having an interest-free event right now
(11)I bought it interest-free
(12)Q This is also paid in installments to the account
(13)has no credit rating!
(14)Install Now
(15)Before using UmCachance
(16)Mom, stop reading!
(17)freely and independently
(18)The consumption habits that I make
(19)Korea’s first BNPL to pay half this month
(21)We’ll pay half the price next month. Boo
(22)Wait! What’s BNPL
(23)BuyNowPayLate of r as an abbreviation
(24)It means pre-purchase and payment
(25)That’s right. With the credit card
(26)What’s the difference
(27)If you’re curious, find out more. Go
(28)A record of the prestige of minors who can’t make a card yet due to lack of talent
(29)It was a bice
(30)It’s popular on SNS these days
(31)It’s 60 months old, but it’s a day to sell drugs like this
(32)In reality, for example, 70 Max price is over 10,000 won, which is commissioned as a one-apod system
(33)Monthly payment of 0 units in installments for 6 units following the sale
(34)I’m just a strong man
(35)I’m eating a bone-in person after I put it together

cold capitalism

a thoughtless stick

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