A Frenchman who is serious about Korea.

Korean culture has become nourished by my happiness.
La Culture Corentaitai tour moivitale

And when life was the most painful and sad,
Etdans la preode la plus dual use et triste de ma vie

I was able to regain my lost laughter and happiness.
Et jai retrouv le bonheur et sourire que javais perdu

In the pit of despair,
Cestla Corequima sauv

You’re saving me up

It was a rope called Korea.
Daedeok University 1 Quandjtais aufond du Gouffre

I ended up saying that I want to stay in the end!
Jen suis arriv la conclusion que je voulais rester en Core

But I need to get my permanent residency.
Maiscette fois-ciilfallaitque Jobtiennele visa Permanent
Maiscette fois-ciilfallaitque

My permanent residency was the only one.
Etmoffrirune libertotale

If there’s a word “talk organization”, it’s “
etion detuents les bonnes choses on u fin”

There’s also a word “Geojapilban”, so it’s called “On dit galement queux quixse sparent finissent tooujours parse retruver”

I heard that the specifications are important in Korea.

Graduation certificate
It’s…As a Korean language that provides language education at Ewha Womans University, the number of those who have completed the
KoreanChinese language and qualified as prescribed
2015 55
I understand the language education director of Ewha Womans University.Ewha Womans University Diploma
Diplme de Ewha Women University

Certificate for the Korean College Scholastic Ability Test.Lunar New Year’s Day
The gender guy.Red grade 1
Authentication number
The above person passed the above grade in the 7th Korean History Test organized by the Ministry of Education’s National History Compilation Committee, so I’m giving you this certificate.
July 10th, 2020
Chairman of the National History Compilation Committee.KOREA
Korean History Proficiency Test
Diplme National dHistoire Corenne

Following Choi person, high on Hanyu.It’s me.
Chinese character proficiency test
Diplme National de Hanja

Korean dictionary.出部i
DAN Cente
Sweetness 4
The above Derbas y como MONS
han Promos
President Rul
Korean Taekwondo 1
Taekwondo asceticism
Diplme de Matre de TaekwondoKOREA

SUHO International Solidarity 수호2014-2015
SUHO International Solidarity 수호Citation certificate.Excellence reward.Certificate of completion.Basic
It’s all AI.The above person is a French celebrity, who is the 26th generation of
Agami and has a special right to escape due to love and connection with his daily school.”Ryeon-Eul-Eul-Lee Do Academy Award” is big inside and outside.We present the “Middle Age” award.
Medical students are from the Ministry of Education.Sponsored by the city council and organized by the Dokdo Protection Solidarity, Dokdo Arcay University Student
It is a gift for Lee because he faithfully completed the main education of Dokdo Island and the room of Dokdo Island.
2014 T 14
Dokdo International Solidarity Executive Committee Chairman
Dokdo Academy Principal
Doa Day is out of town. Gochang
Dokdo National University’s Bang Chairperson
Dokdo Academy Diploma
Diplme de Dokdo Academy

And in early January,
Aumois de Janvier jai reuuneletre
Aumois de Janvier

I got a mail!
Venant du bureau dimmigration

My hair was so damaged!
Mes cheveux se sont dresss de frisson

I came from the immigration office.
Et l je vois que a vient du bureau dimmigration

I’ve received a permanent resident registration application, so
Votredemande de visa persistent a bientreue

Please get your permanent residency card.
Veuillez venir chercher votre carte au bureau dimmigration

Wow, my heart!
OhLascenseur motionnel!

The happiest moment is TOP 3
Desmomentsles plus heureux de mavie

Third place France won the World Cup in 1998
3 La France quigagne la Coupe du Monde 1998

France won the World Cup in 2018
2La France quigagne la Coupe du Monde 2018

The day we get first place permanent residency!
1 Le jour o jai reu ma carte de rsident!

I got permanent residency.
Jai ENFIN reu mon visa permanent!


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