Why Koreans are stupid to support Hamas

I’m sure there are people who know

1986 Gimpo Airport Terrorism

Five people died and dozens were injured

a picture on the brink of terrorism

Four of the victims were members of the same family in the picture, and one was a worker near the bomb who received all the explosion shocks, resulting in fewer victims

The worker was dead, of course, with dozens of shrapnel embedded in his body and no lower body

It’s been revealed who the terrorist was and who instigated him

The guy who bought me a fortune tellers

You punk

Invoking terrorists in the Middle East to disrupt the 88 Olympics

So who’s the terrorist

Abu Nidal

A person who formed a new organization called the Fatah Revolutionary Council in protest of Arafat’s moderate stance as the head of the Palestinian Liberation Organization

To be precise, he was in charge, and the two members of the action were the second-in-command and second-in-command cohabitation in the organization, and with the help of numerous communist countries, the Kimpo Airport terror attack was caused

In his later years, Abunidal was hiding in Iraq and was reportedly killed by Hussein, and the other two men fled to Syria, where they were unknown

In any case, Palestinians were the ones who had already bombed Korea, and they sacrificed so many people, including their families and workers, for five million dollars

It’s not a real humor that there are Hamas-defending pups in Korea who belong to the same hardliners like Abunidal, not to defend Israel

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