A very serious 9 weeks of medical treatment

image text translation

(1)”Victim’s eyes are so swollen and my pressure is going up for a week.”
(2)I can’t even get tested
(3)Current Affairs Journal = Reporter Lee Hye-young
(4)Board of Education
(5)National Audit of the Guido Office of Education
(6)To the presidential protocol secretary
(7)Kim Kun-hee’s graduate school colleague Kim Seung-hee was promoted. AN
(8)Kim Gunhee’s colleague Kim Seunghee
(9)personnel who only take care of the appointment of the protocol secretary
(10)Rep. Kim Young-ho of the Democratic Party of Korea captured the data footage posted by Kim Seung-hee, the presidential protocol secretary, during the parliamentary audit of the National Assembly’s education committee on October 20, revealing the allegation of school violence against his children. ⓒ National Assembly Broadcasting YouTube

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(1)The victim, who was diagnosed with 9 weeks of treatment, has a cornea
(2)It was found that he had to go to various hospitals, including orthopedic surgery
(3)Lawmaker Kim said the victim was in a very serious condition, with six weeks of treatment for the eye injury and the cornea damaged. He said, “I think I punched him in the eye,” adding, “My eyes were so swollen and my intraocular pressure was so high that I didn’t get an accurate examination for a week.”
(4)Lawmaker Kim said he had bruises on his head, face, nose, and arms, and that he was receiving orthopedic dermatology treatment, pointing out that he did not only hit him with his hands, but also with an umbrella and a recorder, which seems to have resulted in an unimaginable nine-week injury

If it’s a corneal damage, it’s actually a visual impairment

I sold my hat even if I took off the perpetrator’s cornea

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