Civil servants will be disciplined for “certifying beer” while working overtime

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(1)You should be my partner in Tokyo

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On the 22nd, the Gwangju Nam-gu Office announced that it had asked the HR committee to vote on a light punishment for violating the duty to maintain dignity of the 8th-grade public official of the administrative welfare center in the jurisdiction

Earlier on the 23rd of last month, A took a photo of himself drinking canned beer while working overtime at the administrative welfare center where he works and posted it on his SNS account

Later, this photo was shared on the ‘office worker community blind’, and an anonymous netizen filed a complaint against A with the National Newspaper High School, saying that the civil servant violated the service regulations

In the Nam-gu Office’s own investigation, A reportedly explained, “It was a holiday, so I bought beer and went home, and stopped by the office for a while to work,” adding, “I was so thirsty.”

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