Woman jpg that I don’t understand watching a yardstick on a tablet

image text translation

(1)I wrote it as my first poem since I always played before
(2)What is it?
(3)View the ranking
(4)Men’s av World Cup
(5)It’s the male AV actor World Cup
(6)Male AV Actor’s Ideal Type World Cup
(7)Select Total Round
(8)Out of a total of 32 candidates, a random 32 will compete
(9)Ideal World Cup
(10)I like the dark part of S. Wow, awesome
(11)Starting from the round of 32, it’s tempting
(12)Ju Isangth Lol
(13)black-tailed gummy wheat
(14)What do you mean Lol. Lol=
(15)YOSHI KINAMI and YOSHI. Tteokbonjwa
(16)SC2 Jacobs is not the headquarters
(17)I know
(18)It’s a cute sweet potato
(19)What’s wrong with the chatroom? Gumi Hong Kong
(20)I’m glad that you’ve been looking at the name of your wife after donating 1,000 won, and you have a scratchy face on your card
(21)It’s Kuroda Yuto’s helchang
(22)qkr02_ Rice cake board
(23)You’re so cute
(24)But I don’t know what the main character is
(25)Dongbangdong donated 1,000 won. I’ve been looking at you for a few minutes, and I’m glad that your card is twisted
(26)Minami and Yoshiya. Rice cake
(27)seven levels of sex
(28)Friendly man, Hong Kong
(29)I can’t travel abroad due to COVID-19. This is YouTube
(30)떠 ㅃ
(31)Topel window
(32)It’s Minami
(33)Oh, but are you choosing your preference
(34)Male AV Actor Ideal World Cup Round of 32 516
(35)C Mikelnam donated 1,000 won!Honey, why don’t you come to see me these days? You know I’m good at stealing ♡
(36)Wolf Tanaka Worker Teacher Uncle Odagiri Jun University Senior Workmate
(37)Clarianila la la la la la la la la la la la la la la =
(38)Lol. Lol
(39)But I
(40)Lol. Lol
(41)I think the boss at work is good, teacher!
(42)Male AV Actor’s Ideal World Cup Round of 32 716
(43)Chihan vs handsome guy
(44)Abe Tomohiro Neighborhood Uncle Chihan Arima Yoshihiko Women’s Scent
(46)bestgorillachang ㅋㅋ
(47)Lol. Lol
(48)”Fan ID” donated 1,000 won!
(49)I don’t know what it means, but you understand it roughly
(50)I saw him a lot somewhere. Uncle Li
(51)Arima Yochon-Chihan
(53)D drive in possession
(54)Abe Tomohiro’s neighborhood father-in-law’s uncle-in-law’s union
(55)But this is fun for me
(56)It’s from the proud gobby Gummy!
(57)Why are you telling me the address? This is it
(58)Suzuki Itetsu Women’s Scent
(59)It’s not 13 Chico
(60)I saw this person a lot. Colaobang Miri
(61)J2 Jacobs Accale
(62)LOL kjh0082
(63)It’s spicy
(64)He’s got a little face, so Mr. Bloghly is loose
(65)It’s making me nervous
(66)Odagiri Jun University Senior Brother Takbutchi Masahiro Neighborhood Azacia
(67)Gangeun1 lol. Bo Mi is
(68)I know this person, tooLol
(69)”Cute Ppoguma”. Yes
(70)Masahiro Tabuchi, the old man in the neighborhood
(71)Muffin Signal Shaver
(72)That person
(73)You have to go with someone you know They’re hunters. Right Lol
(74)Shimiken YouTuber
(75)On average, three
(76)Mango fish stew. Shim-ik
(77)Shimiken Yuotaku
(78)Mr. Oh
(79)”Fan ID” asked for 1,000 won
(80)Honey, I know
(81)happy and sad
(82)Oh, my ideal type Your loyal man Loltestmony, you can touch that
(83)I can’t stand it three times a day
(84)Tony Okey, a neighborhood dad teacher
(86)You’re a hit man
(87)But I’m like a teacher, too. Elon C
(88)Hanaoka Jetta Oreum is in trouble Yuta Chino
(89)HYUKJUN sitting on the chair
(90)Um Jang Taeng finalist Dummajesty Egan Ho
(91)But this person… Yes
(92)Gaoyi Yuta’s brother’s friend in the office building
(93)kanisiel2 musk
(94)I’ve seen it so many timesLolKoioyu
(96)ore type
(97)I think he’s a person who comes out a lot on my phone
(98)Hanaoka Chita Gwangseok. Yuta’s brother’s friend is at work
(99)Welch’s mint chocolate flavor
(100)Because it’s sour
(101)I got more than Shimiken. This is my first time
(102)I saw Yuta’s brother’s friend and co-worker a lot
(103)I’m bragging
(104)Okichina, you’re not even going to hide something on your phone
(105)Aoi Yuta’s brother’s friend’s co-worker, Hanyard Phone Emi
(106)What do you mean by adding dong
(107)Then I’ll watch it on my cell phone. What do you guys think
(108)Yuta Aoi is a friend of Yuta’s brother’s and co-workers
(109)04kbs09 Uh-huh
(110)It’s mobile preference. There are things like this
(111)Yuta Gaoi’s brother’s friend and co-worker
(112)Lol. Lol
(113)Gangeun1 Come on, it’s your desktop preference
(115)”Fan ID” donated 1,000 won
(116)I’m watching it on my iPad
(117)You have to see it with one hand
(118)You have to hold it with one hand
(119)The iPad isn’t too heavy
(120)Yoichi Matsumoto NTR
(121)Green man, huh
(122)08tom, why do you use one hand
(123)”Fan ID” donated 1,000 won
(124)I value storytelling when I’m a kid
(125)It’s the sound of a circle
(126)There’s no time to read the story
(127)Hurry up and hit it!!
(128)Oh! I have to finish it quickly
(129)Arima Island
(130)There are children. It’s an hour long
(131)- Cheeky
(132)There’s a couple of hours!
(133)When are you watching all of that? Arima
(134)Skip it □
(135)Hold the right arrow on the left hand ◎

Kwangseok hyung is popular

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