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(2)Relaxation of requirements for impeachment motion of independent democratic prosecutors to 100 → 10
(3)Input 2023 1025 PM 448 Revised 2023 1025 PM 454 Articles
(4)Reporter Kim Ji-eun
(5)Go ㅌ m
(6)Initiated the same revision as the requirements for proposing the bill in the office of lawmaker Min Hyung-bae
(7)Discussion of countermeasures against corruption prosecutors at the second meeting of TF in response to prosecution crimes

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(1)Seoul = Newsis Reporter Kim Ji-eun = It has been confirmed that the Democratic Party of Korea is preparing to revise the National Assembly Act to ease the requirements for prosecutors to file an impeachment motion. If more than 10 people agree, such as a general bill, it will be able to propose it
(2)Rep. Min Hyung-bae said on the 25th, “Since prosecutors and elected positions are different, we need to adjust the requirements for prosecutors’ impeachment,” adding, “We will propose an amendment to ease the conditions for prosecutors’ impeachment from more than 100 people to more than 10 people after the parliamentary audit.”
(3)The current prosecutor’s impeachment must be proposed by at least one-third of the members in the National Assembly, and the resolution must be approved by a majority of the members in the National Assembly Representative Min believes that the requirements are the same as those of the prime minister, who is a semi-elected public official excluding the president, but this is too excessive to violate equity
(4)”I don’t think there’s a need to make the motion difficult because the conditions for the impeachment vote are strict,” Min said. “There is a question of whether the requirements need to be different from the general bill proposal.” Many people in the party said they sympathized
(5)This amendment comes at a time when Democrats are seeking further impeachment of corruption prosecutors The party will form a task force TF to respond to prosecutors’ crimes under the prosecution’s dictatorship political oppression committee, and if prosecutors commit crimes, they will take measures in various ways, including impeachment, accusations, state investigations, and requests for audits. Rep. Min is also active in the TF

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